Arknights: Which Operators to E2?

If you’ve been playing Arknights you should know about promoting operators. If you don’t, it’s when you spend resources and materials to give an operator a higher level cap, new skills, and even new talents. Promoting operators can be an expensive thing especially for 5 and 6 ★ operators. This guide will focus mainly on 6 ★ operators and some special mentions.

The 6 operators you should E2 and the ones you shouldn’t are listed below! Also listed are special mentions for the operators that need Loxic Kohl and Grindstone to E2.

This is a list of 6 ★ operators that I think you should E2 first.

  1. Eyjafjalla
  2. SilverAsh
  3. Exusai
  4. Saria
  5. Ifrit

Check out this guide if you want to know How To Elite 2 Your Operators! There might be more to it then you think!

Why You Should E2 These 6

The reason I think Eyjafjalla deserves the top spot is because of versatility and how low her DP cost is. At E2 her DP cost is at 21 which is incredibly good. Lava, a 3 ★ at no promotions, is at 27 DP cost. She is also very flexible where she can attack one enemy or up to 3 with her Skill 3.

SilverAsh takes the number 2 spot because of the amazing coverage and damage he can do. At E2 he will get his Skill 3 which powers up his attack stat, increases his attack range, and allows him to hit up to 3 targets simultaneously. Also any stealth enemy in range will get revealed which is pretty cool. I would say since the game has mostly armor enemies he’s not as effective as Eyjafjalla.

Exusiai is an Anti-air Sniper which does a ton of burst damage with her skills. Her Skill 3 is an automatic trigger which is used every time she gets the required SP. The skill allows her attacks to deal 5 extra hits and last for 15 seconds. She has a lot of burst but since the other operators can hit multiple enemies they are more valued. 

Saria and Ifrit are both very useful and it is hard to say who is better. Personally I think Saria is better because of how many roles she can fill. Ifrit has great DPS with her Talent allowing her to recover SP every couple seconds and another one that lowers Arts Resistance on enemies. 

On the other hand, Saria can fill the role of a Medic, Supporter and Defender. Her Talent allows her help allies recover SP. Saria’s other Talent allows her to gain more Attack and Defense the longer she stays out. Her skills give healing to allies and her Skill 3 can slow enemies while also lowering their Arts Resistance.  

Why You Shouldn’t E2 These 6

The main reason why certain 6 ★ operators are not listed above is simply because of where we are at in the game. Medic, Support, and Defender operators are not necessary and powering up your DPS is more beneficial. This is because the faster you kill enemies, the less you have to heal and tank. If you have high Defender and Medics then you run the risk of being swarmed and having enemies leak through. 

  • Hosiguma
  • Shining
  • Nightingale
  • Angelina
  • Siege

This is just my opinion and if you feel differently you should promote whoever you would like! I just feel that promoting these operators will not give you that boost in clearing that you need. 

Also, you can just promote because of the E2 Artwork, and if it is your favorite operator!

Special Mentions

This section has to do with the current event “Grani and the Knights’ Treasure”. These are the 5 ★ operators that need Loxic Kohl or Grindstone in order to E2. Since Loxic Kohl and Grindstone have a better drop rate while doing the event stages, it is important to know which materials you really need. For example, Cuora needs both Loxic Kohl and Grindstone in order to E2. This event will help you E2 her very fast!

Cuora – Needs both

Amiya – Loxic Kohl

Ptilopsis – Grindstone

Skyfire – Grindstone

Platinum – Loxic Kohl and Grindstone Pentahydate (can be made in the workshop with grindstone)

Pramanix – Grindstone

*Note that this is not a complete list. For a complete list of everyone that needs Loxic Kohl and Grindstone check here!

James Chow

Hey! I am a competitive person who loves challenges. Games have always been an outlet where I can experience many different worlds and stories. This is why I love to play games and have been for a long time.

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