Arknights: How to E2 Operators Guide!

If you’re looking to make your Operators stronger then you might have thought about promoting them to Elite 2. This is going to be a hard road unless you know what to do. So this will be a guide on exactly how to do that. 

In order to E2 your operators you are going to have to acquire materials through the Workshop and Factory. Farming the necessary Chips will also be important. 

Operator Requirements 

When it comes to promoting your operators, you’ll notice that depending on the ★ and rarity the materials needed for the promotion will change. In order to check what your operator needs you’ll need to go to Operator and click on the Promotion tab.

After you do that you’ll see what is required to Elite 2 your operator. The requirements you’ll need to fill will be max level, LMD’s, Chips, and 2 different materials. 

For 4 ★ operators you’ll need the class Chip Pack which can be obtained from the Chips section next to Supplies.

For 5 and 6 ★ operators you’ll need something called Dualchip. These can only be obtained through your Base and Factory.  

It is a lot easier to Elite 2 your 4 ★ operators since they only need the Chip Pack which can be easily farmed. In order to Elite 2 your 5 and 6 ★’s you’ll also have to farm Chip Catalyst. This is explained more below in the Factory section.

If you need to know Which Operators To E2, check out our guide!


The Workshop is where you will obtain the 2 different materials that you’ll need alongside your Chips. Whenever you make any of these items, make sure to use the correct operator which has the ability to give you an increased chance at a byproduct. This way you’ll get some materials back and it won’t seem like a total loss.

The best way to farm materials is usually events. For example the event that just passed, Grani and The Knights’ Treasure, had materials like Loxic Kohl and Grindstone with a higher drop rate. So make sure whenever there is an event, you go crazy and farm those materials till you never need them anymore. Also, the event shops will have extra elite materials for sale which is another reason to go crazy during the event.  

 If you want to know what operators need Loxic Kohl and Grindstone check out this post!

The other way to farm is to go to the story and find the materials you need to get. 


The Factory is where you will go to get Class Dualchips. In addition to the Chips you’ll also need to get the Chip Catalyst. The only way to get Chip Catalyst is through the store. Go to the Certificate Store (Red) and the Shop Vouchers Section.

If you’re out of Chip Catalyst you need to farm the Tough Siege stage is Supplies.

This is why 5 and 6 ★  operators are such a hassle to promote. But they are really worth it when you see them in action on the battlefield. 

Step by Step

So, this section will be all the steps required to Elite 2 your operator in case you need it. This is after you Elite 1 your operator. 

  1. Check requirements for Elite 2
  2. Level up the operator to max
  3. When the Chip Class you need is open farm the Chip Pack.
  4. Farm Shop Vouchers and buy Chip Catalyst
  5. Go to the Factory and make the Dualchips
  6. Go the story and farm the materials needed in the Workshop
  7. Go the Workshop and make the materials
  8. Then Promote to Elite 2!

James Chow

Hey! I am a competitive person who loves challenges. Games have always been an outlet where I can experience many different worlds and stories. This is why I love to play games and have been for a long time.

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