Arknights: Which Operators Need Loxic Kohl and Grindstone?

The current event “Grani and the Knights’ Treasure” has made it easier to farm materials such as Loxic Kohl and Grindstone. But who needs these materials? 

Nobody wants to mindlessly farm so below is a list of operators that need either Loxic Kohl or Grindstone. This way you can determine if the operator you are trying to promote in the future needs these materials. 

6 ★ Operators 

First thing, make sure you can clear GT-6. If you need some assistance here is a guide!

*The upgradeable material section is where material like White Horse Kohl and Grindstone Pentahydrate go. These materials can be found in the mission stages but can also be created in the Workshop at your Base. (Workshop Lv.3) In order to make White Horse Kohl you will need Loxic Kohl and the same concept applies to Grindstone Pentahydrate.

*Every Elite Material requires 1 from the lower tier material. So if you need 6 White Horse Kohl you’ll need 6 Loxic Kohl in order to make it. 

OperatorsLoxic KohlGrindstoneUpgradeable Material
White Horse Kohl x6
White Horse Kohl x6
Grindstone Pentahydrate x5
Optimized Device x5
Manganese Trihydrate x5

✔ – needs material

➔ – used for upgradeable material

5 ★ Operators

OperatorsLoxic KohlGrindstoneUpgradeable Material
Polyester Lump x8
✔ x10
Optimized Device x5
Amiya✔ x10

Skyfire✔ x13Polyester Lump x7
Projekt Red
Manganese Trihydrate x7
Manganese Trihydrate x8
FEaterGrindstone Pentahydrate x8 and Polyester Pack x15
Blue Poison
Manganese Trihydrate x8
Firewatch✔ x15   and ➔
Polyester Lump x7
Platinum✔ x15 Grindstone Pentahydrate x8
✔ x11
Optimized Device x5
White Horse Kohl x8
Optimized Device x6
White Horse Kohl x9
Grindstone Pentahydrate x7

✔ – needs material

➔ – used for upgradeable material

4 ★ Operators

OperatorsLoxic KohlGrindstoneUpgradeable Material
Scavenger✔ x20

Perfumer✔ x19

Jessica✔ x20

✔ x7
Dobermann✔ x11

✔ x8
✔ x8
✔ x15
Cuora✔ x10✔ x14

✔ – needs material

➔ – used for upgradeable material

*If the operator you’re looking for is not on this list, chances are they do not need any Loxic Kohl or Grindstones.

Done Farming?

When you are done farming all the Loxic Kohl and Grindstone you need, don’t forget to do the other stages since those materials can be used in the workshop to create higher tier materials.

James Chow

Hey! I am a competitive person who loves challenges. Games have always been an outlet where I can experience many different worlds and stories. This is why I love to play games and have been for a long time.

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