Wind Archer is a great class overall. Great main but also a really good boss mule so you can’t go wrong making one. WA’s kit is made for consistent damage instead of a huge burst which can be the determining factor for maining one or not.
Best in Slot | Main | Bossing Mule |
BiS Weapon | Genesis Bow | Absolab Sureshot Bow / Arcane Umbra Bow |
BiS Secondary | Princess No’s Floral Jewel | Princess No’s Floral Jewel |
BiS Arrows | Titanium Arrow for Bow | Titanium Arrow for Bow (Any Arrows will work for a mule) |
Class | Archer | |
Shared Cash Shop | All Cygnus Knights | |
Legion Effect | DEX +10/20/40/80/100 | |
Max Link Skill | Cygnus Blessing – Attack Power and Magic ATT: +25, Abnormal Status Resistance: +15, All Elemental Resistance: +15% | |
Primary Stat | DEX | |
Secondary Stat | STR | |
Inner Ability Top Line | Boss Damage +20% | Boss Damage +15-20% |
Does it benefit from max Attack Speed | No | |
2 min or 3 min burst type? | 2 min (sorta) | |
Gauge Class? | No |
For the Best Arrows you need to craft them and you only need to craft it once. The recipe is dropped by, Bone Fish, Lilynouch, and Nest Golem (Normal). The material required is Wisdom Crystal x1. You can also use these arrows for Bowmaster, just put it in your storage and take 1 out on your BM or vice versa.
Wind Archer is a great main and a great boss mule. The skills are simple and easy to use while being very strong. This is one of the characters I would recommend making into a Hard Lotus mule but works really well as a normal Lomein mule too.
Wind Archer is technically a 2 min class since it has some important skills with a 2 min cooldown. But it’s actually more of a class that specializes in dealing consistent damage the whole time. So while you do have a burst, it isn’t as important as some other classes and it is more important to just keep normally attacking constantly. This should be easier to do on Wind Archer.
Wind Archer Beginner Skills
The important active skill in the beginner tab for WA is Hero’s Echo.
Hero’s Echo is a +4% ATT/MATT buff for 40 mins. This has a long cooldown and is generally used for bossing scenarios.
Intro of the Wind Archer 1st Job Skill Build
- Breeze Arrow (+1), Wind Walk (+1), Gust Swift (+1)
- Wind Walk (MAX)
- Breeze Arrow (MAX)
- Whispers Of The Wind (MAX)
- Storm Elemental (MAX)
Intro of the Wind Archer 1st Job Skill Explanation
WA important 1st job skills are Wind Walk, Storm Elemental, and Breeze Arrow.
Breeze Arrow is your 1st job mobbing skill.
Wind Walk is a movement skill that dashes you forward. This skill can be used in the air and does not act as a teleport. Spammable skill with no cooldown. Great for air stall as well.
Storm Elemental is an important toggle skill that increases your damage. Always have it on as soon as you log in.
Skill Name | Max Lvl Description | Purpose |
Breeze Arrow | MP Cost: 22, Max Enemies Hit: 5, Damage: 120%, Number of Attacks: 3 | 1st Job Mobbing Skill |
Wind Walk | MP Cost: 10, Moves along the platform on the ground and stops at the end of the platform Can be used with Gust Swift in the air [Passive Effects: Speed: +35, Jump: +15, Max Speed: +20] | Mobility Skill |
Gust Swift | MP Cost: 10. Allows you to jump a greater distance | Flash Jump Skill (Press the Up Arrow Key + Jump while in the air to be launched upwards) |
Storm Elemental | Damage: +10% | Toggle On Skill |
Whispers of the Wind | Attack Power: +20, Range: +160 | Passive Buff |
Skill of the Wind Archer 2nd Job Skill Build
- Gust Shot (+1), Sylvian Aid (+1), Trifling Wind I (+1), Spiraling Vortex (+1)
- Bow Mastery (+5), Agile Bows (+1)
- Bow Mastery (MAX)
- Trifling Wind I (MAX)
- Sylvian Aid (MAX)
- Physical Training (MAX)
- Agile Bows (MAX)
- Spiraling Vortex (MAX)
- Gust Shot (MAX)
Skill of the Wind Archer 2nd Job Skill Explanation
WA important 2nd job skills are Gust Shot, Spiraling Vortex, Trifling Wind I, and Sylvan Aid.
Gust Shot is your 2nd job mobbing skill and is great for using whether on the ground or while jumping around. It has a feature where the skill will lock on to a target and go toward it which is the difference with Spiraling Vortex.
Spiraling Vortex is a helpful secondary mobbing skill. It has a longer horizontal range than Gust Shot but it can only hit mobs in its path and doesn’t go directly to a mob like Gust Shot.
Trifling Wind I is an important toggle skill that helps you passively deal extra damage. This skill will upgrade as you job advance. Make sure to always have this toggled on.
Sylvan Aid is an important quality of life passive skill. As soon as you get 1 point in this skill, your arrow supply will never go down. So there will be no need to recharge arrows at the store and you can use your best arrows infinitely.
Skill Name | Max Lvl Description | Purpose |
Gust Shot | MP Cost: 20, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Damage: 520%, Number of Attacks: 1 | 2nd Job Mobbing Skill |
Spiraling Vortex | MP Cost: 31, Max Enemies Pushed Back: 6, Damage: 175%, Number of Attacks: 3 | Secondary Mobbing Skill |
Trifling Wind I | Max soul energy created: 3, Chance to create energy: 30%, Random enemies damaged: 170% Chance to create enhanced soul energy: 5%, Damage of enhanced soul energy: 210% | Toggle On Skill |
Sylvan Aid | Allows you to use your skills without consuming arrows. ATT: +20, Critical Rate: +10% | Passive Buff |
Agile Bows | Attack Speed: +2, DEX: +20 | Passive Buff |
Bow Mastery | Bow Mastery: +50%, Final Damage: +10% | Passive Buff |
Physical Training | Permanently increase STR by 30 and DEX by 30 | Passive Buff |
Path of the Wind Archer 3rd Job Skill Build
- Sentient Arrow (+1), Trifling Wind II (+1), Eagle Eye (+1)
- Sentient Arrow (MAX)
- Eagle Eye (MAX)
- Trifling Wind II (MAX)
- Second Wind (MAX)
- Featherweight (MAX)
- Pinpoint Pierce (MAX)
- Emerald Flower (MAX)
Path of the Wind Archer 3rd Job Skill Build Explanation
WA 3rd job important skills are Pinpoint Pierce and Emerald Flower.
Pinpoint Pierce is a debuff skill that is mainly used for bossing. Since the skill has no cooldown and a long debuff duration, it should be easy to have this active 100% of the time. Grants you 15% Damage and 15% IED against the debuffed enemy.
Emerald Flower is a summon skill that is mainly for bossing. Currently it will only slow enemies but at 4th job it will apply a debuff as well. No cooldown so just keep summoning it whenever you need.
This is really great for solo bossing because it should draw the boss’s attention to the crystal and focus its attacks on the crystal. This will give you a very easy time bossing since you won’t have to dodge much while it is distracted.
The skill doesn’t draw boss attention while party bossing so it will only be used as a debuff tool in party bossing.
Skill Name | Max Lvl Description | Purpose |
Sentient Arrow | MP Cost: 25, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Damage: 190%, Number of Attacks: 5 | 3rd Job Mobbing Skill |
Pinpoint Pierce | MP Cost: 37, Max Enemies Hit: 1, Damage: 340%, Number of Attacks: 2 Activates a debuff of 15% Damage and 15% Ignore Defense to all of Wind Archer’s attacks for 60 sec | Bossing Debuff Skill |
Trifling Wind II | Max soul energy created: 4, Chance to create energy: 40%, Random enemies damaged: 215%, Chance to create enhanced soul energy: 10%, Damage of enhanced soul energy: 270% | Passive Upgrade to Skill |
Eagle Eye | Attack Power: +20, Max HP: +1500, Critical Rate: +10%, Attack Speed: +1 | Passive Buff |
Emerald Flower | MP Cost: 60, Duration: 60 sec. Crystal Flower HP: 20000, Slows affected enemies | Summon Skill For Mainly Bossing |
Featherweight | Damage Taken: -30%, Status Resistance: +10, Elemental Resistance: +10%, Knockback Resistance: +40% | Passive Buff |
Second Wind | Avoidability Chance: +30%, Defense: +1000 When attack hits, Attack Power: +15 for 5 sec | Passive Buff |
Completion of the Wind Archer 4th Job Skill Build
- Fairy Spiral (+1), Storm Bringer (+1), Sharp Eyes (+1), Song of Heaven (+1)
- Touch of The Wind (MAX)
- Fairy Spiral (MAX)
- Trifling Wind III (MAX)
- Bow Expert (MAX)
- Sharp Eyes (MAX)
- Albatross Max (MAX)
- Stormbringer (MAX)
- Song of Heaven (MAX)
- Call Of Cygnus (MAX)
- Emerald Dust (MAX)
- Cygnus Knight’s Will (MAX)
Completion of the Wind Archer 4th Job Skill Explanation
WA 4th job important skills are Fairy Spiral, Song of Heaven, Storm Bringer, Sharp Eyes, Call of Cygnus, Cygnus Knights’ Will, and Emerald Dust.
Fairy Spiral is your main spammable mobbing skill. You’ll be jumping around using this skill to mob since it is faster and bigger hitbox than your other skills.
It is possible to lazy grind with all the summons that you’ll have available at 6th job (Sol Janus). More info on that in the WA discord.
Song of Heaven is your main bossing skill. It is referred to as a hurricane skill and all you have to do is hold down the skill and it will continue to attack constantly. This is the main reason you don’t need to reach max Attack Speed since hurricane type skills are unaffected by AS.
Storm Bringer is an active buff for yourself that gives you a chance to summon large arrows that will attack for you. No cooldown buff so you can keep it active 100% of the time. A great skill to give your pet if it has auto buff.
Sharp Eyes is an active buff that is important for you and your party. It will be stronger than the Decent Sharp Eyes version and will give you and your party more Critical Rate and Critical Damage. A great skill to give your pet if it has auto buff.
Call of Cygnus is a no cooldown stat buff that you should always have active.
Cygnus Knights’ Will is a skill that cleanses all negative status effects. Not the most useful until you get into high level bosses like Black Mage and up.
Emerald Dust is the upgrade to the skill Emerald Flower that now gives it a debuff which is useful in boss fights.
Skill Name | Max Lvl Description | Purpose |
Fairy Spiral | MP Cost: 36, Max Enemies Pushed Back: 6, Damage: 380%, Number of Attacks: 5 [Passive Effect: Sentient Arrow Damage: +100% points] | Main Mobbing Spammable Skill |
Song of Heaven | MP Cost per attack: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Damage: 390% | Main Bossing Skill |
Trifling Wind III | Max soul energy created: 5, Chance to create energy: 50%, Random enemies damaged: 290% Chance to create enhanced soul energy: 20%, Damage of enhanced soul energy: 390% | Passive Upgrade to Skill |
Storm Bringer | MP Cost: 70, Duration: 200 sec Chance to summon a large arrow on attack: 30%, Additional Damage from Arrow: 380% | Active Buff Skill |
Sharp Eyes | MP Cost: 45, Critical Rate: +20%, Critical Damage: +15%, Duration: 300 sec | Active Buff Skill |
Call of Cygnus | MP Cost: 70, Increases all stats assigned APs by 15% for 900 sec | Active Buff for stats |
Cygnus Knights’ Will | MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 300 sec | Active Skill that clears status effects |
Touch of the Wind | Attack Power: +10%, Dexterity: +15%, Max HP: +20%, Additional Avoidability: +30%, Knockback Resistance: +60% | Passive Buff |
Bow Expert | Bow Mastery: +70%. Attack Power: +30, Final Damage: +35%, Critical Damage: +20%, Damage Against Bosses: +40% | Passive Buff |
Emerald Dust | Increase Crystal Flower’s Max HP to 40000, Monster DEF: -10%, Damage Intake: -20% | Passive Upgrade to Skill |
Albatross Max | Attack Power: +30, Damage: +25%, Ignore Enemy Defense: +15%, Critical Rate: +15%, Status Resistance: +15, Elemental Resistance: +15%, Attack Speed: +1 | Passive Buff |
Wind Archer Hyper Skill Build
WA has 2 different setups for Mobbing and Bossing. If you’re making a boss mule you’ll just want to stick to the bossing setup.
Mobbing Passives
Trifling Wind – Reinforce
Trifling Wind – Enhance
Trifling Wind – Double Chance
Fairy Spiral – Spread
Fairy Spiral – Extra Strike
Bossing Passives
Trifling Wind – Reinforce
Trifling Wind – Enhance
Trifling Wind – Double Chance
Song of Heaven – Reinforce
Song of Heaven – Boss Rush
Glory of the Guardians
Storm Whim
MonSoon is a Full Map Attack that is on a 30 second cooldown. Useful for stuff like mobbing and working in while bossing whenever it is up.
Glory of the Guardians is a damage buff that is mainly used for bossing burst setup. This has a 2 min CD and a 60 second duration.
Storm Whim is mainly used for bossing burst setup. For 30 seconds you’ll summon strong spirit arrows. This has a 2 min CD.
Wind Archer 5th Job Skills
When you reach level 200 you’ll get access to your V Matrix and new 5th job skills. The best way to level them up is through Nodestones and Experience nodes. Wind Archer V Skills are in order of importance are, Howling Gale, Vortex Sphere, Merciless Winds, Gale Barrier.
Wind Archer 5th Job Skill Explanation
Howling Gale is one of your most important skills when it comes to both mobbing and bossing. You can hold a maximum of 3 charges and the amount of Tornado charges you use is based on mobbing or bossing. Generally you’ll want to to use 1 or 2 charges at once while mobbing and all 3 charges at once while bossing.
If you press the skill once it will use 1 charge and summon a smaller tornado. If you press Down Arrow Key and the skill together it will take 2 charges and summon a much larger tornado. If you press the Up Arrow Key plus the skill together it will use all 3 charges and summon 2 large Tornados.
You recover charges over time and around every 20 seconds, you’ll gain 1 charge. You must use the arrow key plus skill combination to use the other types of tornadoes otherwise it will just resummon the same small tornado if you press it again.
One last important thing to note is that by right clicking the skill you can change whether the skill will pass by a mob at the same speed or slow down if it touches a mob. If you are mobbing you want it to pass the mob without slowing down and if you are bossing you want to right click the skill so that it slows down.
Merciless Winds is a really short cooldown mobbing or bossing skill. It summons a bunch of arrows and they go out and attack mobs for you. One of the reasons why a CD hat is useful on Wind Archer. (At least 2 seconds) So you can use it for every mob respawn.
Gale Barrier is a great short cooldown defensive skill that also helps deal extra damage. When it is up you basically get a shield that has its own built in health. You can survive some one shots, not all, and you’ll take almost no damage while it is up. It also summons arrows that fly out and hit mobs.
Vortex Sphere is a sphere you shoot out that sucks in mobs and deals damage to whatever it is touching. Great for both mobbing and bossing. Use whenever it is up and try to sync up with your burst.
Skill Name | Max Lvl Description | Purpose |
Howling Gale | MP Cost: 500, consumes wind energy to summon a gust for 10 sec The power of the summoned gust varies based on the amount of wind energy 1 – Max Enemies Hit: 10, Damage: 715%, Number of Attacks: 3, Gust Summoned: 1 2 – Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 1715%, Number of Attacks: 3, Gust Summoned: 1 3 – Max Enemies Hit: 15, Gust Damage: 1715%, Number of Attacks: 3, Gust Summoned: 1 Max Enemies Hit: 15, Gust Damage: 945%, Number of Attacks: 3, Gust Summoned: 1 Wind energy increases by 1 every 20 sec and you can hold up to 3 | Summon Skill for Mobbing and Bossing (1 Tornado charge summon for mobbing and all 3 Tornado charges for bossing) |
Merciless Winds | MP Cost: 500, Duration: 8 sec Creates 10 enemy-seeking Spirit Arrows that deal 1210% damage 3 times If more than one Spirit Arrow strikes the same enemy, the Final Damage of each additional arrow is reduced by 15% Enemies hit by Spirit Arrows take 1100% damage time every 1 sec for 9 sec Cooldown: 10 sec | Short Cooldown Mobbing and Bossing Skill (Summons arrows that go out and deal damage for you, use whenever up) |
Gale Barrier | MP Cost: 1000, Duration: 45 sec, creates a wind barrier with the 300 Elemental Damage is nullified when the 1 Elemental is used for damage equal to 1% of max HP when hit Also applies to attacks that deal damage proportional to the max HP Launches 3 whirlwind(s) that deal(s) 1210% damage every 2 sec upon attack Decreases the Final Damage of the whirlwind by 50% if multiple whirlwinds attack 1 enemy Cooldown: 90 sec | Defensive Skill and Damage Skill (lets you survive some one shots and every few seconds will summon whirlwinds to deal damage) |
Vortex Sphere | MP Cost: 750 Creates a Vortex Sphere, which moves on a collision course with the enemy The sphere periodically attacks up to 10 enemies, for 880% damage, 6 times Decreases Vortex Sphere’s speed by 50% for 1 sec if a Boss Monster is attacked Collision occurs up to 20 times for each enemy Cooldown: 30 sec | Short Cooldown Mobbing and Bossing Skill (shoots a Vortex forward that sucks in mobs and deals damage to enemies touching it) |
Wind Archer Perfect Trio Nodes
In the V Matrix you’ll also have Boost Nodes. They are there to level up your 1st – 4th job skills past their initial cap. You’ll want to level up the most useful skills for your class and those will form your perfect trios.
For Wind Archer these are the perfect nodes you’ll want to look for,
Primary Node | Secondary Node |
Song of Heaven | Fairy Spiral |
Trifling Wind and Storm Whim | Monsoon |
Storm Bringer |
This setup might look confusing but, it is because WA really only needs 4 skills boosted. The last skill, Monsoon or Pinpoint Pierce, is up to preference and I like to go with Monsoon. What you can do to get all the key skills boosted is to have a 3 node setup that looks like this,
1st Node: Song of Heaven, Trifling Whim and Storm Whim, Storm Bringer
2nd Node: Trifling Whim and Storm Whim, Storm Bringer, Fairy Spiral
3rd Node: Fairy Spiral, Song of Heaven, Monsoon
This will be what the perfect setup will look like with the skills in that order. (will keep updated if it ever changes)
An explanation of perfect trios and full list of all classes and their perfect trio nodes here.
All Useful 5th Job Skills for Wind Archer
These are all the skills you’ll need to get the most out of Wind Archer. Any other skills are not useful and can be disassembled.
Do not level up your Decent skills past level 1 unless you’re at the end game and min/maxing to get an extra 5 stat at max level. At level 1 all your decent skills have 100% uptime since the duration will be longer than the cooldown. Holy Symbol is the only exception since you’ll get more exp and drop rate as you level it.
Decent Combat Orders |
Vicious Shot |
Guided Arrow |
Transcendent Cygnus’s Blessing |
Erda Nova |
Decent Holy Symbol |
Blink |
Decent Advanced Blessing |
Will Of Erda |
Erda Shower |
Phalanx Charge |
Rope Lift |
True Arachnid Reflection (Obtained from Will boss) |
Solar Crest (Obtained from Seren boss) |
The ones that are underlined and bolded are not necessary if making a boss mule.
Wind Archer 5th Job V Matrix Node Slot Priority
This is the order of what skills you should equip first,
- Boost Nodes, Howling Gale, (Decent Holy Symbol, Erda Shower for Training)
- Vortex Sphere, Merciless Winds, Gale Barrier, Vicious Shot
- Phalanx Charge, Erda Nova (level 20 max), Guided Arrow, Transcendent Cygnus’s Blessing
Maxing the skills in this order (except decents) is also ideal for bossing but if you want to get better training rates I would suggest putting more focus on Boost Nodes, Decent Holy Symbol, and Erda Shower.
Wind Archer Bossing Combo
Wind Archer bossing setup is pretty straightforward, you just pop your buffs, use your 5th job skills, and hold Song of Heaven.
Buffs and Debuffs
Your active buffs that should be up 100% of the time like, Sharp Eyes, Decent Combat Orders, Decent Advanced Blessing, Call of Cygnus, Storm Bringer, and Toggles.
Pinpoint Pierce + Emerald Flower Debuff
Burst Skill Order
Transcendent Cygnus’s Blessing, Gale Barrier, Glory of the Guardians, (True Arachnid + Solar Crest if you have), Vicious Shot, Storm Whim, (Mistral Spring 6th job Origin), Terms and Condition (AB link), OZ Ring, Erda Nova (Bind), 3 Max Charge Howling Gale, Vortex Sphere, Phalanx Charge, Merciless Winds, Hold Song of Heaven
> (
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If you’re using the OZ Continuous Ring you can skip that part. Continuous is better for solo bossing and Ring Swapping between Weapon Jump and Ring of Restraint is, in most cases, better for Party Bossing.
A little tip for setting up your burst on any character is that you set up your buff keybinds in an easy to reach descending order. I usually go down the number line (5-1) and when I reach 1 I know I used every buff I need for bursting. For example, you put your 1st buff on 5 then 2nd buff on 4, 3rd buff on 3, etc, till you’re done.
Wind Archer 6th Job HEXA Skills
The HEXA matrix is split up into Skill Node (6th job Origin skill), Mastery Node (enhances 4th job skills), Boost Node (5th job enhancement), and Common Node (Job specific skills)
You’ll get your 1st Origin skill for free once you finish the quest line and the rest you’ll have to unlock yourself. Link to a Guide for HEXA Matrix so that you’ll have the best start possible.
Node Type | Skill Name | Max Lvl Description | Purpose |
Skill Node | Mistral Spring | MP Cost: 1200, invincible during casting Create 13 Wind Blades that attack up to 15 enemies with 1670% damage 10 times with the Spirit Arrows from the emerald After the attack ends, a wind spring creates Spirit Arrows to attack the enemy for 20 seconds Replacement Cooldown: 3 sec Spirit Arrows: create 13 Spirit Arrows that attack with 1320% damage 5 times Excited Spirit Arrows: create 5 Excited Spirit Arrows that attack with 1440% damage 6 times Strong Spirit Arrows: create 3 Strong Spirit Arrows that attack with 1275% damage 7 times Cooldown: 360 sec | Big Bind and Burst Skill (This is your Origin skill which binds the boss and gives a big buff to your skills for a duration) (This bind is different than a regular bind (erda nova) which means you can use your regular bind right after your Origin bind |
Mastery Node | HEXA Song of Heaven | MP Cost per attack: 11, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Damage: 960% | Passive Boost to Your Main Bossing Skill |
Mastery Node | HEXA Trifling Wind | Max soul energy created: 5, Chance to create energy: 50% Random enemies damaged: 525% Chance to create enhanced soul energy: 20%, Damage of enhanced soul energy: 750% | Passive Boost to Skill |
Boost Node | Howling Gale | Howling Gale Final Damage: +60% | Passive Damage Boost to Skill |
Boost Node | Merciless Wind | Merciless Winds Final Damage: +60% | Passive Damage Boost to Skill |
Boost Node | Gale Barrier | Gale Barrier Final Damage: +60%, Number of Elementals: 400, Duration: increased to 60 sec | Passive Damage Boost to Skill |
Boost Node | Vortex Sphere | Vortex Sphere Final Damage: +60% | Passive Damage Boost to Skill |
Common Node | Sol Janus | HP Cost: 500, Select a form of Sol Janus Cooldown: 3 sec [Passive Effect: EXP Obtained: +100%] | Only For Mobbing and Training (has 2 forms one is a summon and the other is a passive. Both kill mobs and the choice is dependant on what class you play) |
6th Job Wind Archer HEXA Skill Priority
When starting your HEXA Matrix you’ll want to unlock everything then start putting focus on depending on if you’re a solo progression player or a party player.
If you’re a party player you’ll want to focus on your burst and getting that as high as possible. Especially important in late/end game bosses. For WA you’ll want to prio Mistral Spring, and HEXA Song of Heaven.
If you’re a solo progression player there are infographics online and in the Wind Archer discord that you can follow.
6th Job Wind Archer HEXA Stat Priority
For Wind Archer, your 1st HEXA stat node, you’ll want
- Main Stat: Attack
- Additional Stat: STAT
- Additional Stat: Boss Damage
HEXA stat is an RNG type system and it doesn’t matter what you get in the beginning since it is not worth it to reroll until your entire 6th job is maxed. Once it gets to level 20 leave it there and no matter what you got it would still be at least a 2-3% FD gain.
Ideally, you want 10/10/0 but that is very costly and you shouldn’t try to go for unless you have an excess of fragments or everything is done.