Epic Seven: Why is Wyvern Hunt so Important?

There are countless guides online on how to do Wyvern Hunt or making a good Wyvern team for W11 (stage 11). The amount of content on this subject should alert you to the fact that it’s indeed important. New players trying to learn the game may wonder, why is it so necessary?

Doing Wyvern Hunt is important simply because of the importance of gear. Not just any gear, but gear of particular sets–Critical, Hit, and Speed. Drake Claws collected during the Hunt are used to create these sets.

Why is Speed so important?

Speed is important for turn advantage. Turn advantage is basically having your heroes take their turns sooner in battles. Having the first turn is important for many heroes like Dizzy or Angelica who can debuff or buff teams right off the bat. If your hero substantially outspeeds another, it’s possible for them to go twice before your enemy takes their turn. This is a key factor in certain PvE encounters.

In PvP, taking first blood with speed is usually what decides a battle. If you can take out an enemy unit before they can act, you’ll have the upper hand and usually win the battle.

Why is Critical Hit so important?

This one should be pretty obvious. You want to deal as much damage as possible to the enemy. If you have heroes like Luna or Challenger Dominiel that have innately high critical hit chance or skills that raise it, then it might not be necessary to build gear with a critical hit set.

Ideally, you’ll want a substats of Attack, Critical Hit Damage, and perhaps more Critical Hit Chance to boost your damage even higher. With speed as a fourth substat, a piece of gear will be optimal.

What about the Hit set?

You may notice that it’s possible to craft equipment with the Hit set bonus, which increases effectiveness, while crafting Wyvern Hunt Equipment. The Hit set is not as important as the other two sets because a smaller pool of heroes can put this set to use. You’ll be reserving this set for heroes like Kiris for poison stacking or Iseria for defense breaking.

How to use your Sanctuary efficiently for crafting

You’ll want your Alchemist’s Steeple to be able to craft higher tier materials using lower tier ones. Your Laboratory should be upgraded to Level 2 to be able to do this.

The main thing you’re focusing on is your Steel Workshop. You’ll want your Steel Workshop to be able to craft the highest potential Wyvern equipment. Make sure you have three upgrades into your Artisan’s Furnace to increase the chances of Epic gear which come with four substats already instead of two or three at the start.

When to farm and which stage to farm

If you haven’t beaten W11 yet, the last Wyvern stage, then I don’t suggest you farm for Drake Claws. It’s not worth farming lower Wyvern stages because of the comparably low amount of materials you get for the amount of stamina you’re spending. You’re better off using your stamina on completing the Automaton Tower or using them to get the runes or catalyst you need from the Altar or story stages.

Otherwise, the best time to do Hunt stages would be during the Hunt event.

The Hunt Event

Every couple of weeks or once a month, there is a Hunt event, coupled with an Altar event, that rewards players with double the materials for completing a stage. Both last for a few days and alternate between each other for each day. Take advantage of these days to really maximize your gains! So, get hunting, and defeat those Wyvern!

Deric Kwok

Games are a longtime passion of mine starting from childhood when my mother bought me my very own Gameboy Color. I’ve been gaming ever since. I’m a self-proclaimed jack of all trades, with what I consider a wide skill set ranging from programming to photography. As the saying goes, a master of none is oftentimes better than a master of one.

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