Arknights: Is Perfumer Any Good?

A new limited time event is giving a Perfumer costume away just for logging in for 7 days. But, the question is, is she any good?

Perfumer is an AoE Medic that heals up to 3 allies in range at once. She is actually very good but is slightly more in the niche category. She should be used when doing stages that hurt all allies at once due to stage conditions. 

Perfumer Skills and Talent

*At level 1

Skill 1 – Healing StrengtheningSkill 2 – Fine-tuning
Description Attack +15%Attack speed -50, Attack +150%
Duration25 Seconds30 Seconds
ActivationManual TriggerManual Trigger

Talent – Lavender – When deployed, heal all allies for 3% of Perfumer’s Attack every second

Perfumer In-Depth

Perfumer’s main selling point is her ability to heal all allies. Her weak points are that she has a low Attack stat. Since heals are based off of Attack stat, it is a bit awkward. 

She really excels in maps that require a lot of healing, such as Poison Haze maps. PR-A-2, Guard and Medic Chip stage, is one example where she shines. Her Talent heals all allies on the map every second no matter where they are and her Skill 2 increases her Attack stat. 

The way to use Perfumer is, Elite 1 her and get her Skill 2, then put her in range of a clump of ally operators. Since her Talent will heal all allies regardless of her attack speed, her Skill 2 really works well with her Talent.

Perfumer isn’t perfect though. Because of her low attack stat she really struggles when it comes to enemies with high Attack damage. Since ST (single target) Medics have higher attack stat, they are better in that situation. 

Perfumer Alternatives

If you’re looking for other AoE Medics then consider using Ptilopsis, Nightingale, and Silence. 

Ptilopsis is an AoE Medic but is slightly better because she can increase the Skill Point recovery speed of all allies. This means more skills being used and that usually means faster and better damage.

Nightingale is another AoE Medic but grants shields as well as heals. She also grants allies resistances and can call forth a phantom. The phantom cannot attack or block but is more used for distracting enemies since they will attack it first.

Silence technically isn’t an AoE Medic but, her Skill 2 allows her to have the option to become one. Her Skill 2 will give you a drone which you can place down on the map and all allies in range of the drone will get healed for a certain amount of time. This offers her great flexibility and can be used in any team. 

Free Perfumer Skin!

Perfumer is overall a great 4 ★ Medic to have. Just remember that she excels in certain situations more than others.

James Chow

Hey! I am a competitive person who loves challenges. Games have always been an outlet where I can experience many different worlds and stories. This is why I love to play games and have been for a long time.

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