Arknights: How to Clear GT-HX-3

GT-HX-3 is the last of the stages and honestly, a fun one. This one is fun because of the use of road blocking. There are some requirements to meet so you don’t get one-shotted but remember you only need to clear this stage once so bring in that powerful support operator.

Operators for GT-HX-3 are 2 Vanguards, 2 Defenders, 3 Casters, 2 Guards, and 3 Medics. There are 2 strategies to use, the one where your Defender is tanky enough or the one where you make the big boss walk back and forth. 

Operators List

2 Vanguards – if you’re lacking in guards it might be best to have 3 Vanguards with high DPS. Courier, Plume, Vigna, Grani, Vanilla, and Fang all work.

2 Defenders – Defenders are important here if you’re going for the tank Big Adam strategy. You’ll want one Defender to have close to 600 Def and about 2000 HP. I suggest using Cuora primarily and Beagle for the secondary.

3 Casters 2 AoE (area of effect) Casters and 1 ST (single target) Caster are needed for clearing waves. Gitano, Lava, 12F, Amiya, and Steward can work. If you have Ifrit or Eyjafjalla at a high level it will go smoother. (Support Unit from friend)

2 Guards – Guards for that high DPS and if you only have 1 leveled up like me then you can switch out 1 Guard for a Vanguard like Vigna. Melantha and Midnight will be just fine.

3 Medics – In order to do the tank Big Adam strategy you will need to have good healers. Having 3 Medics healing a Defender like Cuora will keep her a full HP. Gavial, Hibiscus, Ansel, or Silence work well.

Operator Levels

When it comes to levels you’ll want the highest you can achieve especially on your Defender. Try to have all operators at least at Elite 1 and level 40/50.

For your Defender you’ll want them possibly at level 60 to get the necessary stats to not die in one hit from Big Adam. If you’re not using the more F2P operators then you can have lower levels since the higher tier operators are generally better. Remember to pick the best in the class and not just whoever you see on screen.

Have all Skill Ranks at level 4 and above for the best outcome.

Step by Step Guide

This is the Tank Big Adam Strategy. This assumes that you have a Defender with enough Def and HP to survive against Big Adam.

First thing to drop down is your Vanguard and then a RoadBlock.

Once you get enough DP, drop another RoadBlock and Vanguard.

Then a Medic should be placed for healing. 

Next drop an AoE Caster down.

Drop your weaker Defender in front of the AoE Caster.

Next drop another AoE Caster for more wave clear.

After your Caster drop down 3 RoadBlocks.

Once your RoadBlocks are down, retreat your Vanguard and put down your strong Defender in its place.

Drop your 2nd Medic facing left.

Then drop your 3rd Medic down facing right and in range of your strong Defender. Activate skills in order to clear the coming wave.

Drop a Vanguard or Guard to help clear waves and deal damage. I used Texas because of her ability to stun enemies. No problems should arise if you use your skills, now just wait for Big Adam to come out.

Once Big Adam is close retreat your AoE Caster and replace with a ST Caster to deal more damage. It will look crazy and hectic but if you’re operators are strong enough you’ll be able to clear the enemies and still keep Big Adam there.

After Big Adam is focused on your Defender and your Defender is tanking properly, retreat your Vanguard and drop your Guards and DPS operators around Big Adam to take him down quicker.

Congrats! You’ve cleared GT-HX-3! 

James Chow

Hey! I am a competitive person who loves challenges. Games have always been an outlet where I can experience many different worlds and stories. This is why I love to play games and have been for a long time.

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