Training Guide Easy Level 1 to 200 MapleStory

Listed below are the maps I used to get to level 200. How fast you can get to 200 depends on a lot of factors such as EXP coupons, Legion, Links, Burning, and Class. Mainly geared towards Heroic server since that is the one I have the most experience in. The images I included show how I would rotate and kill mobs on the map. 

Before You Start Training

I highly recommend you get a Hyper Teleport Rock so that you can travel to different maps quickly. They cost meso and are in the Cash Shop under Game items. If you don’t want to use a Hyper Teleport Rock then you can use the game’s Maple Guide to go to the specific town and then walk to each map. 

The Towns you can travel to for free but to Teleport freely to the Hunting Zones you’ll need to have been to that zone and killed a certain amount of mobs first. There will be a count while you’re in the map and once you’ve reached 500 or the max you’ll see a stamp that will appear on the map in the maple guide and you can now go there whenever you want for free.

Another thing to make sure is, have your links, legion, and EXP multipliers ready and in your inventory along with Health pots. This will save you trips to the storage and speed up your process by more than 2x if you have everything on. 

Short Version – Just Maps

If you just want to know where to go. A more detailed version with images below.

  • Level 10 – 30: Golem Temple 4 or Waste Treatment Plant or Gold Beach Seaside 2
  • Level 30 – 40: Gold Beach Seaside 2
  • Level 40 – 50: Wild Boar Land
  • Level 50 – 60: Silent Swamp or Cave Cliff 
  • Level 60 – 65: Stairway to the Sky 1 or Cloud Park VI
  • Level 65 – 70: Ice Valley 2
  • Level 70 – 75: Verne Mine: Shaft 1  or 2 or 4
  • Level 75 – 85: Sunset Road: Sahel 2 or Tent of the Entertainers
  • Level 85 – 95: Lab Area C-2 or Authorized Personnel Only
  • Level 95 – 100: Minar Forest: Leafre: East Forest
  • Level 100 – 110: Ludibrium: Toy Factory: Apparatus Room or Toy Factory: Zone 6
  • Level 110 – 120: Fantasy Theme World Extreme Station 3
  • Level 120 – 130: Korean Folk Town: Black Mountain Entrance (Wanted Sign Quests to 140)
  • Level 130 –  140: Korean Folk Town: Moonlight Ridge
  • Level 140 – 160: Kerning Tower 2F Cafe 2 or 3
  • Level 160 – 180: Kingdom Road: Freezing Forest 1 or Forest of Pain 2
  • Level 180 – 185: Desolate North Rocky Road or Dusty Wind Canyon
  • Level 185 – 200: Fox Valley: Fox Tree Top Path or Side Path or Lower Path (choose the one with highest burning or suits your class)
  • Scrapyard: Haven One Eyed Quest is no longer super fast and easy so just skip it.

Detailed Leveling Guide with Images

This is how I would kill mobs on each map and of course it’s not the same for all characters but it is a good place to start. If you have summons you just need to place them in areas that are further away and takes care of a zone by itself. This way you have an easier and more compact rotation for yourself. 

Level 1 – 10

Most classes will level you up to 10 just by going through the story and completing it. For other classes you can just stay in the area and kill mobs till you’re able to go to Victoria Island. 

Level 10 – 30

Here you have 3 good options, Golem Temple 4, Waste Treatment Plant, and Gold Beach Seaside 2. If I find that my class currently has low mobility and a small hit box I’ll stick with Golems. If I happen to have big hit boxes and a Hyper Teleport Rock I will go to Waste Treatment Plant. 

Seaside Beach 2 is great if you don’t want to deal with any KSing (Kill Stealing). That map is instanced so everyone on the map can only see and hit their own mobs. You can also push this map to get you to level 40. 

Golem Temple 4

Garbage Dump: Waste Treatment Plant 1

Gold Beach Seaside 2

Level 30 – 60

You have a choice of Theme Dungeons or Grinding. It’s personal preference if you like to do quests or not. You do get some equipment from the theme dungeon but it’s very minor. 

Theme Dungeons: Gold Beach, Ellinel Fairy Academy, Riena Strait


Level 30 – 40

Gold Beach Seaside 2

Level 40 – 50

Burnt Land: Wild Boar Land

Level 50 – 60

Silent Swamp or Drake Cave: Cave Cliff 

Drake Cave: Cave Cliff is a similar layout with slightly stronger mobs but a great backup since Silent Swamp is very popular and full sometimes.

Level 60 – 65

Stairway to the Sky 1 or Cloud Park VI

Cloud Park VI is a great alternative since Stairway to the Sky 1 is a pretty popular map. 

Level 65 – 70

Ice Valley 2

Level 70 – 75

Verne Mine: Shaft 1,2,4

Level 75 – 85

Sunset Road: Sahel 2 or Tent of the Entertainers

Tent of the Entertainers if Sahel 2 is full since it is popular.

Level 85 – 95

Lab Area C-2 or Authorized Personnel Only

Authorized Personnel Only is located in the portal inside Lab Area C-2. (portal is circled in red) It has a quest you can do which tells you to kill the mobs already there and will give you extra EXP.

It has a similar layout to Lab Area C-2 and you just need to kill mobs from left to right.

Level 95 – 100

Minar Forest: Leafre: East Forest

At this level range is where you get access to Starforce maps. These maps will give more EXP but the mobs are stronger and they each have their own Starforce requirement to get in. 

Once I hit level 100 and get my 4th job, I’d take a slight detour and kill some bosses for potential drops. Normal Zakum, Normal Hilla, Normal Horntail have the potential to drop some useful equipment that you can starforce and get some potential lines. Not necessary when going to 200 but the more damage you have the better the odds you’ll one shot a mob. 

Personally I wouldn’t worry about starforce until 140 where I could get some Pensalir gear. Then id Starforce the Pensalir gear to 10 stars which should be cheap (costing an avg of 9 mil per item) and whatever other equips I got from boss drops. 

Level 95- 105 SF map

Minar Forest:  Sky Nest 2 or 3

Sky Nest 3 might have a better layout for some classes and just be sure to check which has higher burning. 

Level 100 – 110

Ludibrium: Toy Factory: Apparatus Room or Toy Factory: Zone 6

Zone 6 will usually have high burning but fewer mobs. It is a very good alternative since Apparatus Room is popular. 

Level 110 – 120

Fantasy Theme World Extreme Station 3

Level 120 – 140

Once I hit level 120 I find it best to do the Korean Folk Town Sign Quests. When you go to Korean Folk Town and you hover over some maps you’ll see a Wanted Quest Marker in Blue. I would start at Black Mountain Entrance, do that sign quest and then just move down the line until they are all done, ending with Goblins. By the end you should be 140 or at least close. If you’re not 140 head to Moonlight Ridge to finish up the last few levels.

This is also a great time to start getting Pensalir gear and starforce the ones that have a decent flame. If it has a potential, even better. Do not buy flames or cubes for Pensalir gear. Use Occult Cubes and get them to Epic Potential(or even stay Rare to save meso) with at least 1 line of your main Stat and any flame that has your main Stat.

Level 120 – 130

Korean Folk Town: Black Mountain Entrance

If you want to just grind and not do sign quests go to Moonlight Ridge for Level 120 to 140.

Level 120 – 140 SF map

Dead Mine 4 or Cave of Trials 2 or 3

Cave of Trials 2 or 3 are pretty popular so you might have a hard time finding a map. 

Level 140 – 160

Kerning Tower 2F Cafe 2 or 3

Kerning Tower 2F Cafe 3 if it has higher burning and you’re able to one or two shot reliably. It has the same layout

Level 140 – 160 SF map

Kerning Tower 2F Cafe 4 or 5

4 or 5 depends on which one is free and has higher burning, otherwise they are exactly the same in terms of layout and EXP.

Level 160 – 180

Kingdom Road: Freezing Forest 1 or Forest of Pain 2

Forest of Pain 2 is a good alternative but you should just choose the map that has higher burning.

Level 160 – 180

Knight’s Stronghold: First Drill Hall or Second Drill Hall

Second Drill Hall if it has higher burning or if it fits your class better.

Level 180 – 185

Desolate North Rocky Road or Dusty Wind Canyon

Dusty Wind Canyon if you’re stronger and suits your class better.

Level 185 – 200

Fox Valley: Fox Tree Top Path or Side Path or Lower Path (choose the one with highest burning or suits your class)

Fox Valley: Fox Tree Side Path

Fox Valley: Fox Tree Lower Path

Scrapyard Haven Quest is no longer worth it

Scrapyard: Haven – One Eye Quest used to take a few minutes but now takes anywhere from 20-30 mins so it is not advised to do. Just keep training till 200.

After you hit Level 200 you’ll want to do your 5th job quest line and then it’s off to leveling again with some extra stuff like bosses and daily/weekly quests.

All the images of the training maps were obtained from which is a great resource for looking at different Maplestory training maps. You can view layouts, level of monster + exp of the monster. It also has base rates of what you can expect to get if you are full clearing. 

There are better maps for certain characters but I find going out of your way to search for the most efficient map ends up being inefficient in the long run since you could just spend that time training and you’ll have ended up at a higher level. 

Especially for these early levels, and if you’ve got a hyper burn going, you will fly through the levels. It almost doesn’t even matter where you’re training as long as you are.

James Chow

My goal is to tell you everything you need to know about the topic at hand. Hope that the guides/information help! Feel free to msg me any questions or thoughts.

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