Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross – Which Heroes To UR

UR is the highest grade tier that you can get a hero to. This will take a ton of materials like Books, Gold, and Pendants. Because it takes a lot of resources, it is important to know who will give you the best return on investment when you upgrade them.

The best heroes to UR would be, Blue King, Green Meliodas, Red Arthur, Red Howzer, Blue Diane, and Green Helbram. They each are good for different reasons and will be explained below.

How To UR Heroes

In order to UR your heroes you are going to need specific Books and Pendants depending on who they are. So, first things first, check what your hero needs to be promoted. Go to the Heroes tab and select your Hero. Then click evolve to see what they require. 

After you figure that out you can select the stuff you’re missing and click location and proceed to farm what you need. Don’t forget to get your hero to max level as well.

Depending on what tier the base hero is you’ll require different Pendants. SR base heroes will require SR Pendants, while SSR base heroes will require SSR Pendants. SSR Pendants are a lot harder to get, so make sure you make them count. 

Heroes UR List Explained

Blue SSR King – This hero deserves to be UR because he is one of the most useful units in the game. He has a cleanse, a heal, a petrification skill, and an AoE ultimate. By, URing him you are giving him access to more stats and even his Unique passive which increases Fairy allies’ basic stats by 8%. Give him HP and DEF gear to maximize his use. 

Blue King is great at PVP, Raid Bossing, and PVE

Green SSR Meliodas – If you did rerolls then it is a good chance you tried to reroll for Green Meliodas. If that is the case, then you already know why he’s so good. But if you need a reminder, this hero has strong single target skill and a Counter skill which reflects damage based on the damage dealt to him. His ultimate also cancels all buffs on an enemy and stuns them. 

Green Meliodas is great at PVE and Raid Bossing

Red SSR Arthur – This hero excels at buffing up his allies. Currently in the game he isn’t that necessary since the content out right now is easily cleared. But he is a great hero to have and with more content coming out, you’ll be happy you invested in him. He is very useful in Raid Boss stages where you can buff up all 6 heroes and then do massive damage and beat the Raid Boss faster.

Red Arthur is great at Raid Bossing and PVP

Red SSR Howzer Howzer is great when it comes to AoE damage (area of effect). Both his Skills and Ultimate allow him to attack all enemies on the map. Works great with other Human allies since his Unique gives a 8% basic stats increase to all allied Humans.

Red Howzer is great at PVE and PVP

Green SSR HelbramHelbram is a great supporting hero that can poison multiple enemies and buff all allies Attack. Poison is super annoying for enemies and they will try to remove it whenever it is placed on them. Then you’ll use that chance to buff allies Attack-related stats so they can do massive damage. His Unique is also useful since, once per battle, when his HP reaches 0 he heals for 100% of his Defense stat.

Green Helbram is great at PVP and Raid Bossing

Blue SSR Diane – This hero you get for free by doing the Story mode. She has a skill which disables enemy attack skills and an AoE damage skill. Where she really shines is her Unique. Her Unique is Giant’s Will and every turn that passes her Attack increases by 6%. (limit 5 turns) She will be seen a lot in PVP and paired with King because of how crazy their ult damage can be.

Blue Diane is great at PVE and PVP 

What’s after UR?

After you’re done URing all the heroes you want, you might be wondering what to do after and how to further increase your level. Well the answer to that is, get them to max level and then start Limit Breaking. Limit Breaking allows you to break the lvl 60 barrier at the cost of some materials. These materials are Red Demon’s Horns, SSR Pendants, Books and can be obtained when defeating Raid Bosses.

While Limit Breaking is important, something just as important is Gear. If you need help increasing your CP, check out this Gear Guide.

James Chow

My goal is to tell you everything you need to know about the topic at hand. Hope that it helps you as much as I think it will and feel free to msg me and questions.

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