Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross: Reroll Tier List

Seven Deadly Sins, the popular manga and anime, is coming out with a mobile game with a global release date of March 3rd, 2020. In order to prepare for the inevitable rerolling that will happen, here is a tier list as to who to aim for. 

Meliodas, Ban, Gil Thunder, and Chief Hendryksen are among the best characters to reroll for in the SSR category.

S Rank Explained

Green Grandmaster Meliodas – This unit has high attack power and can do tons of damage because of his Counter move. Also Meliodas’s ultimate cancels an enemy buff and stance, while dealing damage and stunning them. This is an S rank unit because of how easy to use and strong he is, which allows you to clear content quickly and easily.

A Rank Explained

Green Snatch Ban – This is a unit that has great survivability and ability to Extort stats from enemies. Extort is when you decrease the target’s stats and increase your own stats by the same amount. Ban’s ultimate inflicts damage and depletes the enemy Ultimate Move Gauge which is very useful for keeping your enemies at bay.

Red Thunderbolt Gilthunder – Gilthunder excels in attacking all enemies, taunting them, and applying Shock. When Shock is applied, the enemy will take additional damage equal to 30% of the damage dealt and the end of every turn. Gilthunder’s other skill taunts enemies and decreases all damage taken for a % based on Skill Rank. Taunt makes all enemies target the taunter. His ultimate is useful for enemies that buff themselves as it does 2x damage when attacking a buffed enemy. 

Blue Melt Hendrickson – A unit that excels in regeneration and lifesteal. Skill and Ultimate both have lifesteal while other skill inflicts Ignite. When ignited, the enemy will take +10% more damage and this effect can be stacked. Hendrickson has a unique passive that increases his recovery rate by 10% at the start of every turn (max 5 turns). 

B and C Rank Explained

The units in this category are great units and will help you a lot throughout the game. But if you’re looking to reroll it is probably best to go for the above tiers. These units are here to let you know that if you don’t want to reroll, it is fine.

Playing On PC

When it comes to playing Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross on the PC, check out BlueStacks. This is what we use to play all of our mobile games on a 60 fps no lag setup. BlueStacks lets you play multiple games at once with its ability to run multiple instances. 

Pro tip, use this when rerolling so that you can reroll a bunch of times at once instead of one at a time. 

Click on this link to check it out and support us in the process!

James Chow

My goal is to tell you everything you need to know about the topic at hand. Hope that it helps you as much as I think it will and feel free to msg me and questions.

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