Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross – How to Beat Extreme Red Demon

Red Demon is the first Death Match that most players will encounter. After completing both Normal and Hard difficulties, players will be looking to defeat this boss on Extreme.

To defeat the Red Demon on Extreme difficulty, make sure to have enough CC (crowd control), and bring a decent DPS (damage per second) unit.

Team Composition

The strategy here is to completely lock down the Red Demon so it doesn’t attack you at all. You may notice that Ban units have bonus stats in these stages, but you don’t want to be bringing Ban here. What you need are good CC and DPS units.

Need help with Extreme Gray Demon? Check out our guide on how to beat Extreme Gray Demon.


Blue King
Blue King is great against Red Demon because of his ability to petrify. He’s also capable of putting out a decent amount of damage, and his cleanse/heal acts as a fail-safe if anything goes wrong.

Red Merlin
Red Merlin is amazing here for her freeze, requiring only one card. She’s also capable of dishing out some damage. Coordinate with your partner to get off 2 or 3★ freezes to deal massive amounts of damage.

Gustaf is a hero that’s just a budget Red Merlin. He’s not a hero that most choose to invest in, so leaving him at Lv. 40 (or even Lv. 1) without evolving is perfectly fine. Just be aware that without equipment, he might be one-shotted in the chance you don’t get CC off one turn.


Blue Slader
Blue Slader has amazing damage output for this stage. He relies on the enemy not having an Ultimate Move gauge orbs. You’ll need to carefully coordinate your CC to make sure the Red Demon never gets to attack, or else you’ll lose out on a lot of damage!

Red Elizabeth
Red Elizabeth is a late-match hero. She’s capable of immense amounts of damage with her passive (10% increased Attack per turn). Just make sure she doesn’t get hit! If you miss turn to CC it’s possible that she’ll keep her damage buff if the Red Demon chooses other targets.


Cain is the best option as a sub to bring to Extreme Red Demon. His unique passive increases all Attack-related stats by 10%. This number may seem small but your clear speed will be noticeably quicker.

Golgius’s unique passive increases damage by 15%. This unit is a decent alternative to Cain if you don’t have the resources to invest.


Green Helbram
If you don’t have any other decent units, but you have Green Helbram, his ability to buff is a great addition to this Death Match.

Green Gilthunder
Similar to Green Helbram, Green Gilthunder brings buffs to the table and can be a welcome addition.

Example Teams

Your team can be composed of these heroes:



It’s possible to get away with only three CC units, but be aware that if you’re unlucky, you may not get enough CC to keep the Red Demon at bay. Be aware of your partner’s team composition and perhaps work around that.

Step by Step

Ensure that the combined CC (Combat Class) of you and your partner is over 160,000. You don’t want Gustaf to get knocked out right away, and start dealing damage.

You’ll want to use any buffs in the beginning if you’ve chosen to bring any utility heroes. Make sure your partner communicates whether or not he’s using CC (crowd control) or not, and vice versa for you.

Proceed to attack and the last card should generally be a CC. When the Red Demon is almost down, you may want to save your CC cards because you’ll receive an extra turn when it goes down and comes back up.

Repeat this process until the Red Demon has lost all three of its hearts. It may be a slow process, but if you bring the right units, you’ll clear this boss in less than ten minutes!

Why should you do Extreme Red Demon?

The reason you do any Extreme Death Match is for the better rewards. Doing the Extreme difficulty gives you a better chance of obtaining a 5★ Water of Life or Demon’s Blood to awaken your heroes.

For a video guide, check out our video on Extreme Red Demon!

Deric Kwok

Games are a longtime passion of mine starting from childhood when my mother bought me my very own Gameboy Color. I’ve been gaming ever since. I’m a self-proclaimed jack of all trades, with what I consider a wide skill set ranging from programming to photography. As the saying goes, a master of none is oftentimes better than a master of one.

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