Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross – Best Food Guide

Something very overlooked when it comes to Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross is Cooking and Food. If you understand Cooking and Food you’ll be getting more Gold, Wins, and even Gems. 

The best food to have depends on the situation, but generally, Attack, Combat Class, Gold, and Ultimate Orb Gauge are all good.

Cooking Food and Recipes

Food is incredibly important when it comes to all aspects in the game. Eating good food will literally put you ahead and give you free stats or rewards. Below we discuss the best foods and where to use each one.

The Tavern is where you will get all of your cooking done. The best way to handle cooking is to find out all the recipes you will need and use, and then register them. I suggest you register, Attack, Combat Class, Gold, and Ultimate Orb Gauge food. Stick to these foods and level them up so that you can get better rewards in the future. 

Attack Food – The reason this food is so good is because you want to kill your enemy as fast as possible and adding an extra 10% Attack stat will speed that up.

Combat Class Food – This food is important when it comes to going first. The game adds up all stats and determines what your team Combat Class is, and whoever has higher Combat Class will go first. Having the first Attack is best in things like Boss Raids and PVP where going first sets the pace of the match. 

Gold Food – Gold is an important resource in the game. Gold is required to do a lot of things like leveling, awakening, and strengthening Heroes. Gold food should always be used in Boss Raids, as they drop a lot of Gold.

Ultimate Orb Gauge Food – This one is a little more specific and should only be taken when your team is reliant on using their Ultimate to finish people off. PVP is where this food will mainly be used. 

HP or Defense Food – These foods aren’t necessarily bad and have their place when it comes to content that is hard to clear. If you’re having a tough time staying alive and need that little extra HP or Defense, then add these to your preferred recipes.  

Food For Affinity

Affinity is something people don’t put too much value in, and that is because it takes a lot of food to get your Affinity to max level. Try not to think like this because leveling up a Heroes Affinity will give you extra stats and a Gem

The extra stats come from the costume piece that you will get at lvl.5 Affinity. Just by acquiring the costume will allow you to register it and give you stats. If you don’t like how it looks, it doesn’t matter since as long as it is registered you get the extra stats. You can only register up to 5 costumes in each category, Outfit, Weapon, Cosmetic, so choose the best ones. 

If you want to speed up this process, make sure you get your Vanya Ale everyday and cook tons of food! Vanya Ale can be acquired 3 times a day so put that on your daily list of tasks!

Food For Hawk

If you want to earn Gold passively without you having to do anything, look to Hawk in the Tavern. Hawk gives you Gold based on the food that you give him. That means leveling up your food has multiple benefits and you should register your highest level food with Hawk.

Food For PVP

The best foods for PVP are Attack, Festival Coin, Evade an Attack, and Ultimate Gauge food. The new food that you might have noticed is Festival Coin food. If you’re under Master 1 or 2, you should be using Festival Coin food.

Festival Coin food will give you a 1000% increase on the Coins you gain if you win. Anything below Master Rank is generally an easy win, especially if against bots. If you need help with PVP, check out our PVP Guide where we tell you how to reach Champion

Evade an Attack or Debuff Skill food is also very useful when it comes to higher level play. The ability to completely dodge a Skill will definitely give you a leg up on your competition.  

The Fight Festival Shop has purchasable items that will really propel your growth so it is a good idea to stock up on Coins when you can. Some items to name would be Anvils, and Weapons.

Anvils will let you reroll stats on your SSR Gear whereas the alternative is to use Gems. Since getting the best Gear is important, you will be needing these Anvils.   

Food For Raid Boss

When it comes to Raid Bosses, you want to take them down as fast as possible or get as much out of them as possible. In order to speed up that process, bring Attack food,  otherwise, bring Gold food. 

If you struggle with Raid Bosses, then it might be best to check out our guide on how to beat Extreme Red and Gray Demon. If you have no problems clearing Bosses, bring Gold food and you won’t regret it.

Food For PVE

Food in PVE is only necessary when you are doing new Story content. Fighting those big bosses like Demon Hendrickson and Gowther will go a lot easier with some stat buffs. For all farmable content, the most important thing is to create a team that can Auto farm the hardest level. 
When it comes to Story content, the food you bring will depend on what you’re lacking. If the enemy does too much damage, bring HP or Defense food. If the enemy is getting away with a sliver of health, consider Attack food.

James Chow

Yo, games are awesome and I get obessed whenever I pick up a game. I always try to know everything possible and find little tips/tricks to be more efficient. This is me sharing that with you guys so you can also benefit and play along.

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