Pokémon Masters: Is it Worth Rolling for Morty & Drifblim?

Morty & Drifblim can pack a powerful physical punch and hand off their stats to the next sync pair, but will your gems fade away from your account as you roll for this pair?

No, wait until more compelling co-op content comes out. You’ll be happy to see them if pulled in another sync pair’s banner, but stay your hand on their banner.

Morty & Drifblim Details

This Sync Pair was released July 15, 2020.

Role: Strike (Physical)
Type: Ghost
Weakness: Electric
Rarity: ★★★★★

This Johto Gym Leader slips past attacks with Phantom Force!


Lv. 120700343102283102300458
Max Potential800383142323142340574

*Calculated by: ((HP / 2.75) + DEF +SP.DEF)


Move 1 – Shadow Ball | Ghost, Special, Pokémon
Has a small chance of lowering the target’s Sp. Def.
Power: 99 / 118 | Accuracy: 100 | Gauge: 3 | Target: An opponent | Max uses: –

Move 2 – Dire Hit + | —, Status, Pokémon
Sharply raises the user’s critical-hit rate.
Power: 0 / 0 | Accuracy: 0 | Gauge: 0 | Target: Self | Max uses: 2

Move 3 – Phantom Force | Ghost, Physical, Pokémon
The user takes on a phantom presence stance. After a set time, this presence fades and the user attacks. No other actions can be taken while in phantom presence. Opponents’ moves will not hit the user while it is in this presence. If the user is hit by a sync move while in phantom presence, the presence will fade.
Power: 160 / 192 | Accuracy: 100 | Gauge: 0 | Target: An opponent | Max uses: 3

Move 4 – Pierce the Veil! | —, Status, Trainer
Sharply raises the user’s Attack. Substantially raises the user’s Attack if the user is affected by a status condition. Raises the user’s Sp. Atk and evasiveness. Sharply raises the user’s Sp. Atk and evasiveness if the user is affected by a status condition.
Power: 0 / 0 | Accuracy: 0 | Gauge: 0 | Target: Self | Max uses: 2

Sync Move: Mystic Seer Phantom Force | Ghost, Physical, Pokémon
No additional effect.
Power: 250 / 300 | Accuracy: 0 | Gauge: 0 | Target: An opponent | Max uses: –


Passive 1 – Shook 2
Sharply raises the user’s Speed when the user’s HP drops to half or below for the first time in a battle.

Passive 2 – Last Word
The Pokémon uses Explosion immediately before fainting.

Passive 3 – Benefactor
Transfers this sync pair’s stat increases to the sync pair that will switch in when this sync pair switches out.

Is it worth rolling for Morty & Drifblim?

No, Morty & Drifblim can only shine in co-op play and are boosted by having a status condition, but offer no way to have that happen. The sync pair isn’t good for anything singleplayer, such as Battle Tower or Legendary Arena. Save your gems.

Morty & Drifblim seem to be all over the place and won’t be consistent enough unless a battle is tailored to them. Their HP is impressive, but their defenses are very poor. They have an attacking move for both Attack and Sp. Attack. Speed is decent, but the attack you’re going to use doesn’t use the move gauge at all.

Phantom Force has three uses, but two MP Refresh tiles on their sync grid. Drifblim becomes untouchable when entering phantom presence stance and after a set time, unleashes a powerful physical attack. Only a sync move can damage Drifblim.

With one use, Pierce the Veil! will have these effects: +2 Attack, +1 Sp. Attack and evasiveness. However, if Drifblim is affected by a status condition, it will instead do +3 and +2, respectively. However, Drifblim cannot inflict a status condition on itself. You have to rely on the opponent. Dire Hit + will max critical-hit rate in two uses.

Only Shadow Ball uses the move gauge at a costly three bars if your Phantom Force uses run out. It could lower the target’s Sp. Defense, but it uses Drifblim’s Sp. Attack, which is weaker and buffed less by Morty’s Trainer move. Their sync move, Mystic Seer Phantom Force, is a physical attack, but has no additional effects.

Drifblim has Benefactor, which will transfer any stat increases to whichever sync pair is switched in. Benefactor does not require Drifblim to faint, so if you get MP Refresh, you could potentially buff another sync pair. Shook 2 will sharply raise Drifblim’s Speed the first time he drops below half health.

Set up your physical striker behind Drifblim, and when he faints, he’ll use Last Word to damage opponents and the next sync pair will potentially have critical-hit rate, evasiveness, Speed, Attack and Sp. Attack all raised. All great things for a damage dealer. 

In all, Morty & Drifblim could have a place in your roster, but until Pokémon Masters has more difficult co-op content, they will not shine. Benefactor only works if you can switch to another sync pair, which doesn’t happen in singleplayer. They have to rely on having a status condition to boost their effectiveness, but in co-op, the opponents target randomly. Save your gems since they won’t find use in any singleplayer content.

Deric Kwok

Games are a longtime passion of mine starting from childhood when my mother bought me my very own Gameboy Color. I’ve been gaming ever since. I’m a self-proclaimed jack of all trades, with what I consider a wide skill set ranging from programming to photography. As the saying goes, a master of none is oftentimes better than a master of one.

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