Pokémon Masters EX: Best Sygna Suit Blue Sync Grid Builds (Updated)

Sygna Suit Blue & Blastoise has an expanded grid due to his grid upon release being incredibly underpowered compared to SS Red and SS Leaf. This elevated the sync pair from one not worth spending gems on when the other two Kanto legends were available to another must have pair.

The new best sync grid build for SS Blue & Blastoise would be to go for X Defense All MP Refresh, To the Top! MP Refresh, Natural Remedy, and Team Fist Bump.

Sync Grid Builds

Revisiting their sync grid, these builds are not taking tiles just to use the remaining energy as it was with the original builds. Blastoise is primed to function as a wall and now has enough support skills to justify his place on the team.

To the Top Support (2/5) picks up all available support tiles with a minor investment in Water Pulse. Slippery & Sleek (3/5) is a revised rain build meant to reduce or negate Blastoise’s attack costs on the move gauge. Withdraw & Endure (3/5) lets Blastoise do what turtles do best by putting all energy into his defenses.

Universal Upgrades

  • HP +10
  • Defense +10
  • Sp. Atk +10
  • Sp. Def +5
  • Speed +5
  • X Defense All MP Refresh 3
  • To the Top! MP Refresh 3
  • Natural Remedy
  • Team Fist Bump 2

Universal Lucky Skill Recommendation:

Every build picks up X Defense All MP Refresh 3 and To the Top! MP Refresh 3 because SS Blue & Blastoise are there to perform as a wall, to soak up incoming damage instead of having any offensive ability. Both have a 40% chance to restore one MP each time the move is used. Natural Remedy will remove any status condition the first time Blastoise is afflicted with one by an attack. Team Fist Bump 2 is a reason why after setup, Blastoise should always be attacking with Water Pulse. Each time one of Blastoise’s attacks is successful, there is a 30% chance all allies will restore a little bit of HP.

As with any Support Sync Pair built to withstand damage, Vigilance is the go-to lucky skill because it negates the chance for an attack on Blastoise to be a critical-hit.

To the Top Support Build (Sync Level 2/5)

(build link)

Total Sync Orb Cost: 738
Total Energy Used: 59
Unique Upgrades:

  • HP +20
  • Sp. Def +10
  • Speed +5
  • Water Pulse Power +5
  • Water Pulse Move Gauge Refresh 3
  • To the Top! Pep Rally 1
  • Quick Cure

Even at sync level 2, Blastoise is still decently equipped to help allies with their health and defenses. 

Because some of the expensive important tiles are locked away, the build snakes up enough to get Water Pulse Move Gauge Refresh 3 to help reduce Blastoise’s move gauge costs. Quick Cure functions very similarly to Natural Remedy, except that this will stop the confused, flinching, or trapped conditions once per battle. 

To the Top! Pep Rally 1 has a chance of raising all allies’ Speed when using the move. This can be helpful to supplement another sync pair that does not have a refresh tile on their Speed-raising move.

Slippery & Sleek Build (Sync Level 3/5)

(build link)

Total Sync Orb Cost: 750
Total Energy Used: 60
Unique Upgrades:

  • Sp. Atk +5
  • Water Pulse Power +5
  • Water Pulse Move Gauge Refresh 3
  • Water Pulse Move Gauge Refresh 3
  • Racing Rain 2
  • Team Triage Tank 2

This build is meant for a rain team and sacrifices some of Blastoise’s stat-boosting abilities for helping allies with their powerful attacks by speeding up the move gauge fill rate.

While the weather is rainy, Racing Rain 2 will quickly charge the move gauge. This will help make up for Blastoise’s slow Speed. The build also picks up both Water Pulse Move Gauge Refresh 3 tiles to potentially reduce Water Pulse’s cost effectively to zero. Each tile has the same chance of activating, which means both could activate after one attack.

Finally, Team Triage Tank 2 has a 30% chance of restoring a little bit of health to all ally sync pairs whenever Blastoise is hit by an attack move.

Withdraw & Endure Build (Sync Level 3/5)

(build link)

Total Sync Orb Cost: 750
Total Energy Used: 60
Unique Upgrades:

  • Speed +5
  • To the Top! Pep Rally 1
  • Quick Cure
  • Team Triage Tank 2
  • Wise Entry 2

As the most powerful entry on the list, Sygna Suit Blue and Blastoise have no other job than to turtle up and endure the fight for as long as possible.

Wise Entry 2 will raise Blastoise’s  Sp. Def by +2 when he enters the battle. To the Top! Pep Rally 1 has a small chance to raise the entire team’s Speed by +1 when it is used. Quick Cure will stop the first instance of the confused, flinching, or trapped conditions from Blastoise. There is a 30% chance Team Triage Tank 2 will restore the HP of Blastoise and his allies when he is hit by an attack move.

Since Blastoise still has Team Fist Bump 2, you will still want to use Water Pulse for the chance of healing, but the build invests no energy into Blastoise’s offensive capabilities.

Deric Kwok

Games are a longtime passion of mine starting from childhood when my mother bought me my very own Gameboy Color. I’ve been gaming ever since. I’m a self-proclaimed jack of all trades, with what I consider a wide skill set ranging from programming to photography. As the saying goes, a master of none is oftentimes better than a master of one.

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