Pokémon Masters EX: Best Glacia & Glalie Sync Grid Builds

With the release of Glacia & Glalie’s sync grid, this team is better able to hold their own defensively or help keep the opponents locked down with Powder Snow. The grid isn’t transformative, but it does allow Glalie to do what he does just a little bit better. The sync pair sits best as a secondary tank due to poor defenses, but in the right conditions, they can withstand more physical attacks.

Glalie’s first choice is between being put on a hail team or no-hail team. Why the Shiver? (3/5) puts a little bit into survival and aiding allies and a little into being a nuisance with freezing opponents. Frozen Solid (3/5) has Glalie as a front line tank that focuses only on improving his Defense and restoring any health he does lose in a hailstorm. 

Snowblower (3/5) is a more offensive version of Frozen Solid by combining the hailstorm defense boosts with the constant spray of Powder Snow to freeze opponents and top of the move gauge. Snowblower is the only build that has a sync level 2 variant.

Universal Upgrades

HP +10

Defense +5

Sp. Atk +10

Sp. Def +5

Speed +5

Powder Snow Power +4

Universal Lucky Skill Recommendation:

Vigilance, Defense Crush 2

No tree of tiles is present on all three builds.  There are two lucky skill recommendations that depend on whether you want Glalie to endure more hits or weaken opponents. Vigilance will stop any opponent from landing a critical hit, which would bypass any defenses your team may have raised. Defense Crush 2 has a chance to lower a target’s Defense by one level with each successful attack. Since Powder Snow hits all opponents, Glalie can quickly leave opponents vulnerable to your Striker’s physical attacks.

Sync Grid Builds

Why the Shiver? Build (Sync Level 3/5)

Total Sync Orb Cost: 738

Total Energy Used: 59

(build link)

Unique Upgrades:

HP +30

Defense +10

Sp. Def +5

Speed +25

Powder Snow Move Gauge Refresh 2

Powder Snow Hostile Environment 1

Ice Beam Power +5

First Aid 4

Team Toughen Up 4

Sync Level 2:

Not recommended

Without hail, Glalie must focus on bulking up his defenses and restoring his health to withstand enemy attacks.

Powder Snow is Glalie’s best move: it’s cheap, it can leave opponents frozen, and it targets all opponents. Powder Snow’s Move Gauge Refresh 2 can negate the entire cost of the attack and Hostile Environment 1 adds an additional roll to freeze an opponent. Between Glalie’s poor Attack and Powder Snow’s poor base power, freezing an opponent and counting down the sync gauge with negligible cost is the only offensive ability he has.

Defensively, First Aid 4 will heal 40% of Glalie’s HP when it gets low. Where Glalie needs help is boosting his defenses. When Glalie is hit by an attack move, Team Toughen Up 4 will have a 50% chance of activating and raising the Defense of all allies by +1. This may come in handy for any sync pairs whose moves lower their own Defense but Glalie may not withstand enough opponent attacks to get everyone to +6 Defense.

Frozen Solid Build (Sync Level 3/5)

Total Sync Orb Cost: 750

Total Energy Used: 60

(build link)

Unique Upgrades:

HP +10

Defense +20

Sp. Def +5

Speed +20

Ice Beam Power +5

First Aid 4

Healing Hail 1

Ice Shell

Team Toughen Up 4

Sync Level 2:

Not recommended

With poor defenses, using Glalie as a tank means sacrificing all offensive boosts to focus on only surviving. In hail, Glalie does much better to withstand physical attacks.

You will want to have hail continuously up because as soon as the weather clears, Glalie’s Ice Shell will no longer function. Ice Shell will increase Glalie’s Defense by 50% when it is hailing. Combine this with Team Toughen Up 4, which has a 50% chance to raise the entire ally team’s Defense by +1 whenever Glalie is hit by an attack move. His Defense stat isn’t stellar, so he needs all the help he can get.

What damage Glalie would sustain can be regenerated both with using X Regen All and Healing Hail 1. While the weather is hailing, each time Glalie performs an action, it will restore a little bit of health. This combines with X Regen All’s effect to restore more HP each time Glalie attacks. However, if his health gets too low, First Aid 4 will restore 40% of Glalie’s HP.

Snowblower Build (Sync Level 3/5)

Total Sync Orb Cost: 738

Total Energy Used: 59

(build link)

Unique Upgrades:

HP +30

Defense +30

Speed +5

Powder Snow Move Gauge Refresh 2

Powder Snow Move Gauge Refresh 2

Powder Snow Hostile Environment 1

Healing Hail 1

Ice Shell

Sync Level 2:

– Powder Snow Move Gauge Refresh 2

– Ice Shell

+ HP +10

+ Sp. Def +10

+ Frost Breath Power +10

+ Hasty Hail 2

In hail, Glalie is better able to hold his own defensively and can help out allies further by giving them the bars they need for their most powerful attacks.

Why grab two Powder Snow Move Gauge Refresh 2 tiles even though the move only costs one bar on the move gauge? Not only does it double the chances of the move paying for itself, but it can also restore two bars on the move gauge if both activate. This is excellent for any bar-greedy sync pairs that have expensive attacks. Additionally, Powder Snow Hostile Environment 1 allows for two chances for an opponent to become frozen by adding one extra roll each time the attack hits.

In addition to keeping opponents from being unable to attack due to being frozen, Glalie picks up both Ice Shell and Healing Hail 1 that will activate during a hailstorm. Ice Shell will increase Glalie’s Defense by 50%. Make sure to have another sync pair raise his Defense to have the best benefit and counter his poor Defense stat. Healing Hail 1 will function similarly to X Regen All’s effect and will stack with it when it is hailing. Each time Glalie performs a move, it will restore a little bit of his HP.

This is the only build that has a sync level 2 build that doesn’t lose almost all relevant tiles. You lose out on the second Powder Snow Move Gauge Refresh 2 and Ice Shell; however, picking up Hasty Hail 2 will increase the speed of the move gauge refresh for your bar-hungry powerful attacks. With the remaining energy, add a bit of survivability with an extra HP and Sp. Def tile or boost Powder Snow just a little bit with +4 power.

James Chow

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