Pokémon Masters EX: Best Burgh & Togepi Sync Grid Builds

Burgh & Togepi spring into the arena with a little bit of chaotic fun with Metronome as their only attacking move. You can have plenty of tile effects activate whenever you land a super effective attack, but Togepi’s real value comes in with Potion tiles and stat boosting tiles. Consider trying them out in spaces you might put Skyla & Swanna on a team.

The best Burgh and Togepi sync grid builds are, Fierce Entry, Grand Entry, and Master Healer (sync lvl. 2 & 3).

Universal Upgrades

HP +20

Attack +5

Defense +5

Sp. Atk +5

Sp. Def +10

Speed +15

Potion MP Refresh 2

Potion Master Healer 1

Happy Colors! MP Refresh 2

Since using Burgh’s Trainer move twice can result in +2 to +6 to both Defense and Sp. Defense, Happy Colors! MP Refresh 2 will greatly help when luck is not on your side. Potion MP Refresh 2 will also give you a 30% chance to regain one use of the move whenever you heal up Togepi or an ally. Potion Master Healer 1 will cause the move to restore 10% more HP to the ally.

Sync Grid Builds

Fierce Entry Build (Sync Level 3/5)

Total Sync Orb Cost: 750

Total Energy Used: 60

(Build Link)

Unique Upgrades:

Defense +5

Sp. Atk +5

Potion Master Healer 1

Team Fierce Entry 1


Recommended Lucky Skill:

Defense Crush 2

Team Fierce Entry 1 will raise all allies’ Attack stat by +1 when Togepi enters the battlefield. Picking up the second Potion Master Healer 1 tile will restore an additional 10% of a Pokémon’s HP when the move is used. Almost always a lucky skill, Togepi gets Vigilance on its grid to prevent opponents from landing critical hits. Since Vigilance is taken, the lucky skill for this build is Defense Crush 2. Whenever Togepi’s Metronome is a successful hit, Defense Crush 2 will have a 30% chance of activating and lowering the opponent’s Defense stat by -1.

Grand Entry Build (Sync Level 3/5)

Total Sync Orb Cost: 750

Total Energy Used: 60

(Build Link)

Unique Upgrades:

Attack +20

Sp. Atk +5

Speed +5

Potion MP Refresh 2

Team Grand Entry 1

Recommended Lucky Skill:


Team Grand Entry 1 should be used for special Strikers since it will raise the Sp. Atk stat by one stage of all allied sync pairs. Pick up the second Potion MP Refresh 2 tile for a second 30% chance to restore one use.

Although Vigilance is on Togepi’s grid, you don’t have enough energy to pick it up without sacrificing a Potion tile. Like many supports, the Grand Entry build needs Vigilance for its lucky skill to prevent any critical hits on Togepi.

Master Healer Build (Sync Level 2/5 & 3/5)

Total Sync Orb Cost: 750

Total Energy Used: 60

(Build Link)

Unique Upgrades:

Sp. Atk +5

Potion MP Refresh 2

Potion Master Healer 1

Stalwart / Unbending


Recommended Lucky Skill:

Fast-Track 2 / Defense Crush 2

Sync Level 2:

– Potion MP Refresh 2

– Potion Master Healer 1

+ Attack +5

+ Defense +10

+ Sp. Def +5

+ Speed +5

+ Stalwart / Unbending

With this build you are able to restore any sync pair to full health with one potion by focusing all energy into recovery and defense.  The build picks up both Potion MP Refresh 2 tiles and both Master Healer 1 tiles. Each refresh tile has 30% chance of activating each time the move is used. Depending on what types of opponents you are facing either Stalwart (Sp. Def drop immunity) or Unbending (Defense drop immunity) will be a better tile for you. Vigilance prevents Togepi from receiving critical hits, which means opponents cannot bypass any raised defenses with a lucky hit.

Since Vigilance is on Togepi’s grid which means your lucky skill has been opened up for several possibilities. On a team where the Striker is going to be using physical moves, use Defense Crush 2. Each time Togepi lands a hit with Metronome, Defense Crush 2 will have a 30% chance of activating and lowering the opponent’s Defense by one stage. Otherwise, Fast-Track 2 is a good alternative for special teams. This also has a 30% chance of raising Togepi’s Speed by +1 with a successful Metronome.

At sync level 2, you lose out on one Potion MP Refresh 2 and Master Healer 1. Instead, you can pick up both Stalwart and Unbending and have enough energy left over. One option is to pick up any Defense, Sp. Def, or Speed stat tiles. If you like a little bit of chance, Team Healing Superhit 9 will restore the HP of all allies whenever Metronome is super effective.

James Chow

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