Persona 5 Royal – Is It a Remake or a Sequel?

Persona 5 Royal has been released and some people are wondering whether or not to purchase it. The question being, is it a remake? Or a sequel? Check below for all changes in the game.

The best answer I can give is that it is a remake with a revamped story and new additions. It is loads of fun and if you enjoyed the first Persona 5, you’ll definitely want to pick this up.

What are the Differences?

Before buying the game you might be wondering what are the differences and if there are enough changes in order to warrant a purchase. There are a ton of new changes. Let’s get into them so you can make an informed decision. 

Major New Additions and Changes

This section is for the big changes where you will notice how different this game is from Persona 5. 

  • Two New Confidants – Kasumi Yoshizawa and Takuto Maruki 
  • New Story 
  • New Phantom Thief – Kasumi Yoshizawa
  • New Side Quests
  • New Persona
  • New 3rd Persona Awakening 
  • Two New Endings 
  • Third Semester and New Palace added (about 30 hours of extra gameplay)
  • New Extra Bosses
  • Palaces Reworked – So it doesn’t feel like you’re playing the same game again

Minor Quality of Life Changes

Minor changes are what help improve the quality of life of the game and add a fun new twist to stuff. 

  • New Opening Movie
  • New Music Tracks
  • Ammo for Gun respawns after Battle
  • Grappling Hook added
  • Akechi’s Confidant reworked
  • Justine and Caroline available for Dates 
  • Baton Pass stages added – Now each party member has their own baton pass rank 
  • Mementos expanded –  new stamps, new shop
  • New Items and Accessories
  • Everyday Balance changes
  • Palace Bosses adjusted
  • Status Effect Duration Nerfed and Confusion
  • Persona Traits added
  • Velvet Room Challenge Battles (mostly dlc)
  • Kichijoji added 
  • Darts Mini Game and Jazz Club added in Kichijoji
  • Important Events added on Calendar
  • New and adjusted character portraits all updated
  • White day event added

Should You Buy?

As you can see, there are a lot of minor changes and a good amount of major ones. Do these new additions and changes make the game worth it? Personally, I think it is! The game adds a ton of new hours of learning and content that you will love if you loved Persona 5. The twist to the fighting system, reworked palaces, and adjusted bosses will make the game feel fresh and fun.

Check out amazon for best current prices and fast delivery, Persona 5 Royal.

James Chow

My goal is to tell you everything you need to know about the topic at hand. Hope that it helps you as much as I think it will and feel free to msg me and questions.

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