Khali is an easy class for mobbing but a difficult one for bossing. The class is heavily reliant on resetting cooldowns in order to output maximum damage. They have a similar playstyle to Cadena, Kain, and Ark. Not a beginner friendly class since some skills are reliant on others and with certain timings as opposed to other classes where you simply hold down a button.
Khali players are ones who enjoy insane mobility, sand/desert theme, and being rewarded for time spent mastering a character.
Before You Play Khali
Some key things to note for Khali are the low base Critical Rate (35%), No Class Bind, Flora Thief (shared Cash Shop with Adele, Illium, and Ark), and can reach GMS Max Attack Speed (10) with just Decent Speed Infusion and Green Pot. Primary Stat LUK and secondary stat DEX.
Khali has 3 main skills, Arts, Void, and Hex. Arts Skill are used to reduce/reset cooldown of Void Skills. Void Skills are used for mobility, summoning Chakri and canceling Art/Hex skills. Hex skills are used for burst and activating Chakri. This will make more sense as you go on and through each job.
Khali Inner Ability
If you’re training the best Inner Ability will be a combination of Meso Obtained, and Drop Rate. Once you are no longer training and mainly bossing, the best will be Cooldown Skip, Boss Damage, +% Damage to Debuffed in that order.
If you have a low legion and need Critical Rate, replace the Boss Damage line with Critical Rate.
Don’t mess up your Inner Ability since the game likes to trick you into thinking you’ll have a lot but that’s only the case in the beginning. Check this Inner Ability Guide in order to do it the best way.
Khali Beginner Skills, Legion, and Link Skill
Khali is a Flora thief and she shares a Cash Shop with Adele, Illium, and Ark. This means you can move cosmetics and other cash shop items between these 4 characters. Her main weapon is the Chakram and Hex Seeker as a secondary.
Her Legion effect is LUK
B Rank Lv. 60-99 | A Rank Lv. 100-139 | S Rank Lv. 140-199 | SS Rank Lv. 200-249 | SSS Rank Lv. 250+ |
+10 LUK | +20 LUK | +40 LUK | +80 LUK | +100 LUK |
Khali Link Skill
Khali’s Link Skill is Innate Gift, This gives you a small damage boost and lets you recover HP/MP every 5 seconds. Useful for Bossing like Will and Versus Hilla but not a big priority, especially if you have access to familiars.
- Level 1: 3% damage
When attacking, there is a 100% chance to recover 1% max HP/MP every second for 5 seconds.
Reactivation cooldown: 30 seconds.
- Level 2: 5% damage
When attacking, there is a 100% chance to recover 2% max HP/MP every second for 5 seconds.
Reactivation cooldown: 30 seconds
Khali Beginner Skills
Skill Name | Max Lvl Description | Purpose |
Reminiscence | Consumes 30 MP. When used, move to Erimos | Return Home Skill |
Exclusive Spell | Consumes 30 MP. 4% attack/magic attack for 2400 seconds Cooldown: 2 hours | Active Skill Big buff skill but long cooldown so mainly only used when Bossing |
Magic Circuit | 50% of your equipment’s magic attack is converted to attack, excluding your weapon However, set effects do not apply and you can only convert up to 20% of your weapon’s base attack | Passive Skill Gives you a little more Attack and gets better as you get higher star force items |
Khali 1st Job Skill Build
Basic skills and where you’ll be introduced to Void Rush. Keep that skill on your layout as it will be crucial in the later stages.
Khali 1st job skill build,
- Arts: Cross Cut (+1), Void Rush (+1)
- Spark (MAX)
- Flare (MAX)
- Patience (MAX)
- Void Rush (MAX)
Khali 1st Job Skill Explanation
Skill Name | Max Lvl Description | Purpose |
Arts: Cross Cut | Consumes 12 MP. Deals 120% damage 3 times on up to 5 enemies When this skill hits an enemy, Void Rush/Void Blitz’s cooldowns are decreased by 1 second | 1st Job Mobbing Skill |
Spark | Consumes 5 MP While in the air, if you combine this with the Up Arrow Key, you will perform a vertical jump Horizontal jump can be used twice in a row | Flash Jump Jump + Up Arrow + Jump = Flash Jump Upwards |
Void Rush | Consumes 10 MP. Quickly move in the inputted direction Cooldown: 5 seconds | Dash skill |
Flare | +30 Attack, +150 Defense, +500 Max HP, +500 Max MP, +40% Stance | Passive Buff |
Patience | +40 Speed, +20 Jump, +20 Maximum Speed, +30% Avoidability | Passive Buff |
Khali 2nd Job Skill Build
This is where you get introduced to Arts: Crescentum the only skill that resets your Void skill. Keep Crescentum on your layout since it will be very useful. You can also use Void Rush to mob when you level Insanity and you can use it 2 times.
Khali 2nd job skill build,
- Arts: Dual Edge (+1), Arts Crescentum (+1), Insanity I (+1)
- Chakram Mastery (+5)
- Chakram Booster (MAX)
- Impulse (MAX)
- Chakram Mastery (MAX)
- Physical Training (MAX)
- Insanity I (MAX)
- Arts: Dual Edge (MAX)
Khali 2nd Job Skill Explanation
Skill Name | Max Lvl Description | Purpose |
Arts: Dual Edge | Consumes 25 MP. Deals 160% damage 4 times on up to 6 enemies When this skill hits an enemy, Void Rush/Void Blitz’s cooldowns are decreased by 1 second | 2nd Job Mobbing Skill |
Arts: Crescentum | Consumes 25 MP. Deals 230% damage 4 times on up to 8 enemies When this skill is used, Void Rush/Void Blitz’s cooldowns are decreased by 5 seconds Cooldown: 5 seconds | Only skill that resets Void |
Chakram Booster | Consumes 10 MP. For 200 seconds, increases the Chakram’s attack speed by 2 stages | Active Buff for Attack Speed |
Chakram Mastery | +50% Chakram Mastery, +30 Attack | Passive Buff |
Insanity I | Consumes 30 MP. Quickly move in the inputted direction and deal 120% damage 2 times on up to 6 enemies When attacking normal monsters, increases damage by 180% When used, enter Dark Sight for 2 seconds Cooldown: 5 seconds | Passive Buff (Allows you to use Void Rush to mob now and enter Dark Sight) |
Impulse | +35% Critical Rate, +20% Critical Damage | Passive Buff |
Physical Training | LUK +60 | Passive Buff |
Khali 3rd Job Skill Build
This is where it gets a bit complicated. You are introduced to Summon Chakri and a Hex skill.
To summon a Chakri 100% of the time you need to “cancel” an Art/Hex skill with a Void skill. This basically means using a Void skill before an Art/Hex skill ends and you’ll summon a Chakri. To activate the Chakri you need to use a Hex skill within range. Once activated it will go around hitting mobs or hitting a boss.
You really want to get used to canceling skills since there will be more to come and Khali’s damage is greatly influenced by how well you can do this. Also, note that with Insanity II you can use Void Rush 3 times in quick succession before cooldown is applied.
Khali 3rd job skill build,
- Arts: Triple Bash (+1), Hex: Chakram Sweep (+1), Resonate (+1), Deceiving Blade (+1)
- Insanity II (MAX)
- Intuition (MAX)
- Vigilance (MAX)
- Resonate (MAX)
- Deceiving Blade (MAX)
- Arts: Triple Bash (MAX)
- Hex: Chakram Sweep (MAX)
Khali 3rd Job Skill Build Explanation
Skill Name | Max Lvl Description | Purpose |
Arts: Triple Bash | Consumes 35 MP. Deals 220% damage 5 times on up to 6 enemies When this skill hits an enemy, Void Rush/Void Blitz’s cooldowns are decreased by 1 second | 3rd Job Mobbing Skill |
Hex: Chakram Sweep | Consumes 45 MP Throw a giant Chakram that deals 300% damage 7 times on up to 8 enemies Cooldown: 6 seconds | Mobbing and Bossing Skill (great for canceling or activating Chakri) |
Summon Chakri | When a Void skill defeats an enemy or attacks a boss monster, there is a 30% chance to create a Chakri When an Arts/Hex skill is canceled by a Void skill, there is a 100% chance to create a Chakri The created Chakri have a 30 second duration, and you can create up to 6 at a time | Toggle Skill (not totally necessary for mobbing if you’re funded but really shines during bossing) |
Resonate | When you use a Hex skill, the summoned Chakri within a certain range will be activated as Resonate The activated Resonate deals 165% damage 3 times, and can bounce up to 3 times before disappearing When a single enemy is hit multiple times, the final damage is decreased by 30% | Passive Skill (This skill changes your summon Chakri to Active ones) |
Insanity II | Consumes 40 MP. Quickly move in the inputted direction and deal 180% damage 3 times on up to 6 enemies When attacking normal monsters, increases damage by 210% When used, enter Dark Sight for 2 seconds This skill can be used up to 2 times consecutively Cooldown: 5 seconds | Passive Buff (Better range and damage on Void Rush and lets you use Void Rush 2 times now) |
Void Enhance | When the skill is used, the effects are activated and when it is re-used, they are deactivated On/off skill Required Skill: Level 1 Insanity II. [Max Level: 1] Level 1: Void Rush’s distance moved is increased | Toggle Skill (increases range of Void Rush) |
Deceiving Blade | When a Void skill hits an enemy, activate a buff for 10 seconds When a directly used attack hits an enemy during the buff, activate an additional attack that deals 370% damage 2 times Additional attack reactivation cooldown: 0.5 seconds | Passive Skill |
Intuition | Crescentum’s damage is increased by 120% | Passive Buff |
Vigilance | +15% Max HP, +15% Max MP, +30 Status Resistance, +30% Elemental Resistance, +60% Stance, +30% Damage Reduction | Passive Buff |
Khali 4th Job Skill Build
You’ll get your main mobbing/bossing skill Arts:Flurry so you can forget all the other previous ones. Also, 2 extra Hex skills and 1 other Void Skill. Void Blitz is important since it can easily summon Chakri. If you right click Void Blitz to toggle it, it will save you some space on your layout.
Khali 4th job skill build,
- Arts:Flurry (+1), Hex: Chakram Split (+1), Void Blitz (+1), Insanity III (+1)
- Insanity III (MAX)
- Chakram Expert (MAX)
- Ascend (MAX)
- Redemption (MAX)
- Arts: Flurry (MAX)
- Hex: Chakram Split (MAX)
- Void Blitz (MAX)
- Hex: Chakram Fury (MAX)
- Hero of the Flora (MAX)
- Desert Veil (MAX)
- Floran Hero’s Will
Khali 4th Job Skill Explanation
Skill Name | Max Lvl Description | Purpose |
Arts: Flurry | Consumes 40 MP. Deals 265% damage 7 times on up to 7 enemies When this skill hits an enemy, Void Rush/Void Blitz’s cooldowns are decreased by 1 second | Main Mobbing/Bossing Skill |
Hex: Chakram Split | Consumes 75 MP Throw 4 giant Chakrams that deal 270% damage 5 times periodically on up to 10 enemies Each Chakram can hit a target up to 4 times Cooldown: 14 seconds | Active Skill |
Hex: Chakram Fury | Consumes 70 MP Deals 450% damage 10 times periodically on up to 10 enemies Cooldown: 12 seconds | Active Skill |
Void Blitz | Consumes 40 MP Activate 4 afterimages that deal 210% damage 4 times on up to 6 enemies When used, enter Dark Sight for 2 seconds Cooldown: 6 seconds | Active Skill (Right Click to Toggle On) (Toggle On will make it so that it will activate when you press Void Rush and no arrow keys) |
Desert Veil | Consumes 150 MP. 3 seconds of invincibility Cooldown: 75 seconds | I-Frame Skill (You can move around and reposition for 3 seconds but cannot attack) (press again to end early) |
Hero of the Flora | Consumes 70 MP For 900 seconds, increases all stats of directly invested AP by 15% | Active Buff Skill |
Floran Hero’s Will | Consumes 30 MP. Cooldown: 360 seconds | Active Skill for Clearing Status Effects |
Insanity III | Consumes 50 MP. Quickly move in the inputted direction and deal 180% damage 4 times on up to 7 enemies When attacking normal monsters, increases damage by 270% When used, enter Dark Sight for 2 seconds This skill can be used up to 3 times consecutively Cooldown: 5 seconds | Passive Buff |
Chakram Expert | Chakram mastery increased to +70%, +30 Attack, +20% Critical Damage | Passive Buff |
Ascend | Resonate damage is increased by 200%.Resonate number of bounces is increased by 1 Summon Chakri’s creation chance is increased by 45% Hex: Chakram Sweep’s damage is increased by 400% Arts: Crescentum’s damage is increased by 130% | Passive Buff |
Redemption | +30% Final Damage, +20% Defense Ignored, +30% Boss Damage | Passive Buff |
Khali Hyper Skill Build
The best hyper skills for Khali are,
Hex – Reinforce
Hex – Boss Rush
Void – Reinforce
Arts – Reinforce
Arts – Extra Strike
Death Blossom
Divine Wrath
You mainly want damage and these are the best ones to choose that will give you that. Extra range, IED, or mobs hit, isn’t necessary and you would be giving up a lot for one of those.
Oblivion is a skill that resets the cooldown of Void Rush / Void Blitz and also reduces the cooldown by 50% for the duration it is active.
Khali 5th Job Skill Build
When you reach level 200 and get access to your V Matrix and new 5th job skills. The best way to level them up is through Nodestones and Experience nodes. Khali V Skills are,
Hex: Pandemonium
Void Burst
Arts: Astra
Resonate: Ultimatum
Khali Perfect Trio Nodes
Khali has two sets of perfect trio nodes. They are: Arts: Flurry, Hex: Chakram Sweep, Resonate, Void Rush, Death Blossom, Void Blitz. You’ll always want these skills in your V Matrix so you can mix and match. If you want help check out this guide with all classes perfect trios.
Arts: Flurry / Crescentum Boost
Hex: Chakram Sweep / Chakram Split / Chakram Fury Boost
Void Rush Boost
Resonate / Deceiving Blade Boost
Death Blossom Boost
Void Blitz Boost
Some other good nodes are, Last Resort, Decent Sharp Eyes, Decent Speed Infusion, Grandis Goddess’s Blessing, Erda Shower, Erda Nova, Decent Combat Orders, Blink, Conversion Overdrive and of course, Decent Holy Symbol.
Khali 5th Job Skill Explanation
Skill Name | Max Lvl Description | Purpose |
Hex: Pandemonium | Consumes 700 MP Summon an area of chaos for 3 seconds that deals 650% damage 4 times periodically on up to 10 enemies Based on the area of chaos’ duration, the attack speed will increase, up to 3 stages When the duration ends, activate 5 explosions that deal 1250% damage 10 times on up to 12 enemies Cooldown: 30 seconds | Mini Burst Skill |
Void Burst | Consumes 1000 MP. For 5 seconds, the Wind of Revenge descends. You are invincible during the Wind of Revenge During the Wind of Revenge, if you re-use the skill, activate a chain attack that targets a single nearby enemy and deals 2000% damage 12 times on up to 12 enemies When the chain attack activates 5 times or the duration ends, activate 6 strikes that deal 2100% damage 15 times on up to 15 enemies After it activates, you will be invincible for 3.5 seconds Cooldown: 180 seconds | I-Frame and Burst Skill (You are not invincible for the full duration of the skill there is a brief window you can be hurt) (Best to end slightly early to get the full benefit of the I-Frame) |
Arts: Astra | Consumes 500 MP. Summon 3 ancient Chakrams that deal 600% damage 6 times on up to 8 enemies After a certain period of time, they will disappear and deal 800% damage 8 times on up to 10 enemies Reactivation cooldown: 14 seconds | Passive Skill (Every 14 seconds it will activate and help you deal damage) |
Resonate: Ultimatum | Consumes 1000 MP. 28 second duration During this skill, up to 8 Awakened Chakri can be created When you use a Hex skill, the summoned Awakened Chakri within a certain range will split and be activated as 2 Resonates The Awakened Resonate deals 300% damage 3 times, and can bounce up to 4 times before disappearing When attacking normal monsters, the damage is increased by 150% When a single enemy is hit multiple times, the final damage is decreased by 30% Cooldown: 180 seconds | Bossing Skill (Can summon up to 8 Chakri and splits them up) (Use when bursting and it enhances your skills so that you can deal more damage) |