The Ice/Lightning class is one that excels in mobbing has decent bossing and nice animations. If you’re just getting into MapleStory or a long time player you should definitely try out this class. The link skill is also very useful and can combo with other link skills like the Thief link, Thief’s Cunning.
Ice/Lightning Arch Mage’s best skills are Chain Lightning, Blizzard, and Ice Age. This class really shines when it comes to map control and if you’re looking to get a character to 250+, they are one of the easiest.
Ice/Lightning Arch Mage 1st Job Skill Build
1st job is a breeze just focus on using Energy Bolt to clear maps. Magic Guard is something that you should almost always have on since it lets your MP absorb a lot of damage.
Ice/Lightning 1st Job skill build is,
- Energy Bolt (+1), Teleport (+1)
- Teleport (MAX)
- Energy Bolt (MAX)
- MP Boost (MAX)
- Magic Guard (MAX)
- Magic Armor (MAX)
Ice/Lightning Arch Mage 1st Job Skill Explanation
Skill Name | Max Lvl Description | Purpose |
Energy Bolt | MP Cost: 24, Damage: 309%, Max Enemies Hit: 4 | Main Mobbing Skill for 1st Job |
Magic Guard | MP Cost: 13, Damage Displaced: 85% of your MP, Duration: While the skill is activated | Damage Reduction (Toggle On) |
Teleport | MP Cost: 20, Teleport to the left and right with 170, and up and down with 275 | Mobility Skill |
Magic Armor | DEF: +100 | Passive Buff |
MP Boost | Max MP: +20%, MP increases by 120 per level Critical Rate +3% when equipped with a Wand | Passive Buff |
Ice/Lightning Arch Mage 2nd Job Skill Build
When you reach your 2nd job you’ll have something called Freezing Crush which helps you deal more damage to frozen enemies if you use lightning based skills. This is where you start to use different skills. First you use Cold Beam to give a monster frozen stacks then use Thunder Bolt to finish it off. You can also teleport, Chilling Step, to create an area where mobs can get frozen.
If you can one shot it would be faster to just spam Thunder Bolt or Cold Beam the mobs. Whichever is more comfortable for you if you’re just trying to power level.
Ice/Lightning 2nd Job skill build is,
- Cold Beam (+1), Magic Booster (+1), Thunder Bolt(+1)
- Magic Booster (MAX)
- Spell Mastery (MAX)
- High Wisdom (MAX)
- Meditation (MAX)
- Chilling Step (MAX)
- Thunder Bolt (MAX)
- Cold Beam (MAX)
- MP Eater (MAX)
Ice/Lightning Arch Mage 2nd Job Skill Explanation
Skill Name | Max Lvl Description | Purpose |
Freezing Crush | Increases Critical Damage by 2% per stack when attacking a Frozen enemy Further increases damage by 6% per stack if you attack with Lightning attribute | Passive Effect (helps you deal more damage to frozen enemies) |
Cold Beam | MP Cost: 27, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Damage: 199%, Number of Attacks: 3, Freeze Duration: 8 | Mobbing Skill |
Thunder Bolt | MP Cost: 30, Damage: 210%, Number of Attacks: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 6 | Mobbing Skill |
Chilling Step | Upon using the Teleport skill, freezes the ground at 60% chance, dealing 1% to enemies on the frozen ground with freeze stacks Lasts 6 sec | Passive Effect (Toggle On) |
Meditation | MP Cost: 16, Party Member Magic ATT: +30, Duration: 240 sec | Active Buff (Party Buff + Magic Attack) |
Magic Booster | MP Cost: 20, Weapon’s Attack Speed increased for 240 sec | Active Buff (+Attack Speed) |
Spell Mastery | Magic Mastery: 50%, Magic ATT: +10 | Passive Effect |
High Wisdom | Permanently increase INT by 40 | Passive Effect |
MP Eater | MP Absorb Chance: 20%, Amount Absorbed: 10% of the enemy’s Max MP | Passive Effect |
Ice/Lightning Arch Mage 3rd Job Skill Build
3rd job is where you get your new ice skill, Ice Strike, and a lot more buffs. You’ll also get a summon which follows you (Thunderstorm). Pretty slow and disappears when you get too far from it but still useful.
Ice/Lightning 3rd Job skill build is,
- Ice Strike (+1), Teleport Mastery (+1), Thunderstorm (+1)
- Arcane Overdrive (MAX)
- Elemental Decrease (MAX)
- Storm Magic (MAX)
- Element Amplification (MAX)
- Shatter (MAX)
- Teleport Mastery (MAX)
- Ice Strike (MAX)
- Thunderstorm (MAX)
- Glacier Chain (MAX)
- Elemental Adaptation (MAX)
Ice/Lightning Arch Mage 3rd Job Skill Build Explanation
Skill Name | Max Lvl Description | Purpose |
Ice Strike | MP Cost: 90, Damage: 335% Number of Attacks: 4, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Freeze Duration: 8 sec | Main Ice Mobbing Skill |
Glacier Chain | MP Cost: 65, Damage: 383% Number of Attacks: 3, Max Monsters Hit: 12, Freeze Duration: 8 sec | Pulls enemies toward you and freezes them (unnecessary for map clearing) |
MP Cost: 40, Duration: 90 sec, Damage: 310%, each one fewer enemy increases Damage by +30%. Up to 430% damage on a single target Cooldown: 30 sec | Summon Skill that follows you around (Helps you mob but you’ll have to stay close to it) | |
Elemental Adaptation (I/L) | MP Cost: 190, upon defending critical Abnormal Status attack, for 30 sec, activates a barrier that blocks all Abnormal Status effects and apply 240 sec cooldown Passive Effect: Increases All Elemental Resistances and Abnormal Status Resistance by 20% | Active Skill that you should use before you receive Abnormal Status Effect |
Elemental Decrease | MP Cost: 50, Elemental Attribute Resistance: -10%, Duration: 240 sec Passive : Final damage +50% | Active Buff, helps you deal more damage |
Teleport Mastery | MP Cost: 20, Damage: 340%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Stun Chance: 80%, Stun Duration: 4 sec, Teleport Distance: +20 | Passive Effect (increases teleport range and chance of stun) |
Arcane Overdrive | Critical Rate: +30%, Critical Damage: +13% | Passive Buff |
Storm Magic | Deals 20% extra final damage against enemies with the following effects: Damage Over Time, Freeze, Stun, Darkness, or Paralysis | Passive Effect (helps deal more damage against status afflicted mobs) |
Element Amplification | MP Cost: +50%, Damage: +50% | Passive Buff |
Shatter | Attack frozen enemies with a 20% chance to ignore 5% DEF for each stack | Passive Effect |
Ice/Lightning Arch Mage 4th Job Skill Build
Welcome to the new world of 4th job Ice/Lightning where you have access to Chain Lightning. Forget all your other skills as this will be your new favorite and best skill. Small compact maps are great since you can use Blizzard and Chain Lightning to clear everything.
Ice/Lightning 4th Job skill build is,
- Chain Lightning (+1), Frozen Orb (+1), Infinity (+1)
- Buff Mastery (MAX)
- Arcane Aim (MAX)
- Chain Lightning (MAX)
- Infinity (MAX)
- Elquines (MAX)
- Blizzard (MAX)
- Frozen Orb (MAX)
- Freezing Breath (MAX)
- Maple Warrior (MAX)
- Hero’s Will (MAX)
Ice/Lightning Arch Mage 4th Job Skill Explanation
Skill Name | Max Lvl Description | Purpose |
Frost Clutch | Increases Critical Damage by 3% per stack when attacking a Frozen enemy Damage doesn’t increase when you attack with Lightning Attribute attacks | Passive Effect (Auto Maxed and helps you deal more damage to frozen enemies) |
Chain Lightning | MP Cost: 44, Damage: 185%, Number of Attacks: 10, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Stun Chance: 90%, Stun Duration: 4 sec, Additional Critical Rate: 25% | Main Mobbing Skill |
MP Cost: 22, makes you invincible except against some attacks. Stun up to 8 enemies for 450% damage 4 times for 13 sec and reduce Magic DEF by -30%, Weapon DEF by -15%. Stun Duration: +100% depending on damage inflicted with Freezing Breath.Enemy does not take damage if not stunned This effect lasts as long as the key is held, up to 13 sec. Cooldown: 120 sec | Bind Skill and I-Frame (13 second bind and you are invincible during cast) | |
Blizzard | MP Cost: 330, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 375%, Number of Attacks: 8, Cooldown: 45 sec Passive Effect: [Final Attack Skills] Attack during Cooldown: 30% chance to deal 160% damage on a single enemy with Blizzard | Full Map Attack Skill (When this skill is on cooldown, Ice skills have a chance of summoning an icicle dealing damage) |
Frozen Orb | MP Cost: 50, create a Frozen Orb that deals 220% damage with ice shards to up to 8 enemies, Cooldown: 5 sec | Mobbing Skill but better Bossing Skill (Use this skill when Blizzard is on cooldown for extra DPS with Blizzard’s passive effect) |
Infinity | MP Cost: 80, Increases final damage of Magic ATT by 65% Regularly recovers HP and MP by 10% and increases final damage of Magic ATT by 3% Final Damage increased by Infinity is additive Knockback Resistance: +50%, Duration: 40 sec, Cooldown: 3 min | Active Buff Skill that helps you recover HP/MP and increased Magic Attack, (Use this skill when you are trying to burst after a bind) |
Elquines | MP Cost: 120, Summon Elquines Duration: 260 sec, Damage: 380% to up to 3 enemies simultaneously Passive Effect: Permanently increases Mastery by 70% | Summon Skill that helps you mob and stack frozen charges |
Buff Mastery | Permanently Increased Magic ATT: +30, Buff Duration: +50% | Passive Buff |
Arcane Aim | Ignores 20% of enemy DEF. When attacking an enemy 3 or more times, damage will increase by 8% with 50% probability. Accumulates up to 5 times | Passive Buff |
Maple Warrior | MP Cost: 70, Increases all stats assigned APs by 15% for 900 sec | Active Buff |
Hero’s Will | MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 300 sec | Active Skill that removes Abnormal Status |
Ice/Lightning Arch Mage Hyper Skill Build
The best Ice/Lightning Arch Mage hyper skill build is,
Chain Lighting – Reinforce
Chain Lightning – Spread
Chain Lightning – Extra Strike
Frozen Orb – Reinforce
Teleport Mastery – Range
Absolute Zero Aura
Lightning Orb
Epic Adventure
Personally, I prefer Teleport Mastery – Range because I like the extra range but if you’re looking for a bit more map clear, you might wanna consider Frozen Orb – Spread. Getting your Chain Lightning as strong as possible will be your best bet for the best EXP rates.
Ice/Lightning Arch Mage 5th Job Skill Build
When you get to Lvl 200 you’ll get access to your V Matrix and new 5th job skill nodes instantly like Evan’s new fusion skills. The best way to level them up is through Nodestones and Experience nodes. Ice/Lightning Archmage V Skills are,
Ice Age
Bolt Barrage
Spirit of Snow
Jupiter Thunder
Ice/Lightning Arch Mage Perfect Trio Nodes
Ice/Lightning Archmage perfect trio nodes are Chain Lightning, Frozen Orb, Blizzard/Lightning Orb.
Chain Lightning Boost
Frozen Orb Boost
Blizzard Boost
The 2nd trio nodes should be Lightning Orb/Blizzard, Elquines, and Thunderstorm. These are all the nodes you need and should boost.
Lightning Orb Boost
Eliquines Boost
Thunderstorm Boost
Ice/Lightning Arch Mage 5th Job Skill Explanation
Skill Name | Max Lvl Description | Purpose |
Ice Age | MP Cost: 1000, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Number of Attacks: 10, Damage: 1100%. Freezes enemies in range Area stays icy for 15 sec, periodically dealing 275% damage 3 time(s) Damage and freezing effects stack on enemies in range Cooldown: 60 sec | Full Map Attack plus leaves the area icy dealing DoT (damage over time) Amazing skill when your icy area can one-shot. You’ll be full map clear on auto for 15 seconds |
Bolt Barrage | MP Cost: 1000, conjures 8 lightning bolts that attack up to 12 enemies, dealing 1650% damage 8 times The lightning moves forward as it strikes, but will continue to strike the same place if its path is blocked Final Damage of lightning bolt decreases by 10% every time the enemy is attacked repeatedly Cooldown: 30 sec | Mobbing Skill with great map control |
MP Cost: 1000, stacks Freeze, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Number of Attacks: 9, Damage: 880%, Attack Duration: 30 sec Deals 1870% damage when attacking 1 enemy and stacks Freeze 3 time(s) Cooldown: 120 sec | Summon Skill that deals damage and covers an area | |
MP Cost: 1000, Enemy touched by orb is stunned 5 times with 660% damage at fixed intervals. Max Number of Shocks: 30, reduces Freeze stacks for every 5 stuns Electric current flows around shocked enemy, attacking 2 enemies 4 times with 440% damage periodically Cooldown: 75 sec, cooldown reduced by 2.2 sec for every number of shocks that didn’t activate | Burst Skill |