Epic Seven: What’s the best way to spend Skystones?

Epic Seven is quite generous with its premium currency, Skystone. A new player may be overwhelmed not only by the mechanics of this game, but the amount of free Skystones received. Depending on the time of the player’s arrival, let’s say during an anniversary event, you may be greeted with even more! So, what should a new player spend their Skystones on?

A new player should first and foremost spend their Skystones on upgrading both their hero and equipment inventory space, and shop items to help progress their Adventurer’s Path. All other Skystones should be saved for a desired banner event.

Is hero and equipment inventory space that important?

Yes, hero and equipment inventory space is important is because you’ll be accumulating a lot of items in the beginning of the game and you don’t want to spend all your time doing inventory management. This includes transmitting or promoting heroes to make space, or selling or enhancing equipment for the same reason. This takes a lot of time that can be spent completing the Adventurer’s Path.

When you level up you gain back stamina that you can use to progress further, but if you’re constantly managing your inventory, that progress will be stunted. Also, when you’re trying to promote a hero to 6★, you’re going to need space for fodder (units that you will use to promote your main unit).

Max out both your inventory spaces with the free Skystones you’ve received. That means 300 hero inventory space, and 450 equipment inventory space (as of August 20, 2019). The developers, STOVE, will most likely increase this limit as time goes on.

Which items in the Shop are worth spending on?

If necessary, you may need to go to the Shop and purchase some Flags for the Arena in case you ran out and are required to compete in the Arena for quests. Or if for some reason you’re out of stamina to complete a quest, then go ahead and buy some stamina with Skystones. There are a few quests in the Adventurer’s Path that require you to complete labyrinth as well, and so you can use your Skystone for a Labyrinth Compass if you need to.

Other than a few select items, there’s not much else to Skystones. In the end-game they are mainly used for Covenant Bookmarks to roll for heroes. If anything, it’s better to use Leif, another type of currency, to buy these items.

Should I use Skystones for Covenant Bookmarks?

I’d advise against using Skystones for rolling heroes if you’re a free-to-play player, unless you’re confident that you know what you’re doing. If you’re just starting the game, then it’s best to try to research what team you want instead of blindly trying to roll. Look for the banner of the hero that you want and use Skystone to roll during that event. It’s smart to save enough Skystones to be able to roll enough for the pity summon. A pity summon is usually a high amount and gives players the hero if they happen to roll an absurd amount of times without getting the banner hero.

What about the Epic Pass?

The Epic Pass is definitely worth it, but only when you have a surplus of Skystone. Make sure you’ve saved enough Skystone for those limited banner events before spending them on the Epic Pass. However, there are sometimes limited skin events for some heroes and if you’re a collector then you’ll want to use your Skystones for this.

Just follow my advice and use Skystones to expand your inventory spaces and assist you in progressing through the Adventurer’s Path and main story. Save your Skystones for heroes that you really want. Ultimately, it’s all about the fun. You can ignore all my advice and opt to spend all your Skystones! It’s all up to you how you want to enjoy the game. It’s just a game after all.

Deric Kwok

Games are a longtime passion of mine starting from childhood when my mother bought me my very own Gameboy Color. I’ve been gaming ever since. I’m a self-proclaimed jack of all trades, with what I consider a wide skill set ranging from programming to photography. As the saying goes, a master of none is oftentimes better than a master of one.

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