Epic Dungeon How To Clear High Mountain Fast – MapleStory

Epic Dungeon is content in the game that is meant to help you progress faster by rewarding you with EXP, Sol Erda, and Sol Erda Fragments. 

Short Version Epic Dungeon Guide

The prerequisites are that you need to be Lvl. 260 and above and have completed the Cernium area story quests. 

  1. Do the prequest. It is a quest in the white light bulb called (Lv.260) [Epic Dungeon] High Mountain. 
  2. After prequest go to Cernium Square, put on damage gear, and talk to Selazar to start the actual dungeon.
  3. Go through all 10 stages by just killing the mobs/boss in each stage. Same as prequest except you get to use your own character. Use Mitra on the Tynus’s Kin and burst on boss stages 3,6,9,10.
  4. Once you clear stage 10 talk to Selazar and receive your reward. If you’re in reg server (interactive world) you can boost your rewards with Maple Points while Heroic world rewards are set and can’t be boosted. 

Prerequisites and Story Quest

Requirement for Epic Dungeon High Mountain is Lv.260 and up, and completed area story quest Cernium (After).

Before you can do the actual dungeon you’ll have to do the prequest which involves you playing as the Sun God, Mitra and going through 10 stages of killing mobs. During the prequest story mode you’ll have unlimited Authority so you can spam your skills as much as you want. The Sun Surge and Solar Flare skill will be most useful.

Authority is like mana and is what you need in order to use Mitra’s skills. More on how to efficiently use Mitra later on. 

You only need to do the prequest one time on one character and after that you’ll be able to skip the prequest story mode for any other eligible characters. Note that you can only receive the reward once per week and on only 1 character. 

Where to go for Epic Dungeon High Mountain

Epic Dungeon is located in Cernium Square. Currently there is no other way to do the dungeon besides going to Cernium and talking to Selazar. Before you enter into the Epic Dungeon there are a few things that I would recommend to do. 

Prep before you go into Epic Dungeon

Before you go into the Epic Dungeon I suggest you change the keybinds of Mitra. You do this by clicking the settings icon in the Epic Dungeon UI. From there you can click the skill icon and after it is highlighted you press the key you want to change it to. Important skills to have comfortable are the Sun Surge, Solar Flare, and Unleash Authority. 

Another thing you should change is your gear. Switch to your damage/bossing gear. If you’re lower level the mobs are pretty strong so you definitely want to bring your strong gear. 

Epic Dungeon: High Mountain Guide

Epic Dungeon consists of 10 stages. Every 3rd stage will be a boss stage. The goal of the regular stages is to fill up the gauge until it is 100%. You fill the gauge by killing the mobs in the map. For the boss stage you just need to defeat the boss to clear. Once you reach 100%, look for the portal to get to the next stage.

You can use either play as your own character only or switch between your character and Mitra which is recommended. 

For the regular stages you should kill mobs as you own character to build up Authority and fill up the gauge. Anytime you see the Mitra message you’ll want to swap to Mitra and use his skills to kill those special mobs that appear. 

In stages 4,5,7,8 after you defeat the egg there will be a ton of special mobs everywhere. In this situation it is best to use Mitra and his special skill Unleash Authority. Your skills will cost no Authority for 20 seconds and skills will deal extra hits to nearby enemies. This is where you spam all your skills and kill as many special mobs as possible. 

In order to best use mitra it is better to look at your mini map so that you can see all the blue enemies that you need to defeat with mitra. Since the mobs move and are in specific patterns, once you get used to them you’ll be able to anticipate and immediately clear them out. 

High Mountain Boss Stages

For boss stages 3,6,9,10 you’ll want to do your big burst and include Origin if necessary. I would suggest doing a smaller burst and trying to get out of stage 9 without your Origin and big burst so that you can save it for stage 10. 

During these stages you’ll be pot locked which means you won’t be able to heal by just using your potion key. In order to heal you need to go to the orb and spam your interact key until it pops and heals you.  

You will have 10 lives available per boss fight and you don’t receive any penalty for dying in the boss stages. 

Boss Stage Tips

Boss 3 – the main damage is its charging attack. You just need to jump over it and continue to attack.

Boss 6 – This boss also charges at you but it will indicate where it will charge at you. The best thing to do is to stay far away and let it charge at you. While it is charging at you it is slow enough where you can dodge and jump away from it. 

Boss 9 – you just need to avoid the lasers and whenever the boss does any action, just move from the middle and to the sides. If you do your big burst here it is a good idea to wait until your burst is back up before entering stage 10, especially if you’re on the weaker side.

Boss 10 – This is the big boss fight. Like the other stages there will be big purple indicators of where attacks will go and you just need to avoid them and the center stage sometimes. 

Remember, you will get 10 lives per boss stage so it is ok to die and reset just be careful when your death count gets close to 10. It doesn’t matter how many times you die, it will not change your rewards in any way. 

Sun God Mitra Skills

Using Mitra in the Dungeon will make you clear a lot faster regardless of what level you are. In order to use him properly you need to know what his skills do.

Sun Surge is a dash skill that has long range and can be used in any direction with the arrow keys.

Prominence is a blast you shoot out in the direction of your arrow key input.

Solar Flare is a skill that explodes and hits all mobs in a circle around you.

Unleash Authority requires 1000 authority and gives you a buff where skills don’t cost any authority for 20 seconds and all skills have an extra effect that damages other enemies around it.

How long will Epic Dungeon take?

Epic Dungeon can take from 15-20 mins to 1 hr+ depending on how strong you are and how well you know the content. If you’re a fresh 260 it will take you a while and it is suggested to use Mitra as much as possible to help you kill stuff. It is also class dependent and summon classes have an easier time since the map is so big. Don’t forget to use skills like Sol Janus and Erda Shower to help you take care of some areas. 

Epic Dungeon High Mountain Rewards

The rewards are different for Interactive and Heroic servers. For interactive world you’ll get EXP, Sol Erda, and Sol Erda Fragments. You can choose to spend maple points in order to increase these rewards by 3x or 5x. 

For Heroic servers the rewards are set and cannot be increased. They are EXP and Sol Erda Fragments. 

Interactive World

  • EXP
  • Sol Erda: Untradeable, 30-day duration.
    • Basic Reward: 1
    • Bonus Reward (3x): 3
    • Special Bonus Reward (5x): 5
  • Sol Erda Fragment (Interactive worlds only): Tradeable, Permanent.
    • Basic Reward: 10
    • Bonus Reward (3x): 30
    • Special Bonus Reward (5x): 50

Heroic World

  • EXP
  • Sol Erda Fragment (Heroic worlds only): Untradeable, Permanent.
    • Basic Reward: 40

James Chow

My goal is to tell you everything you need to know about the topic at hand. Hope that it helps you as much as I think it will and feel free to msg me and questions.

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