A big new update has taken place and there is much to do and discuss! New 5th Job Skills, New Coin Shop, New Events, and Tera Burning are available to figure out. The Awake event guide is...
Category: MapleStory
Best Character To Mega and Tera Burn Guide – MapleStory Reboot
Every once in a while MapleStory will come out with events that allow you to create a Mega and Tera Burning character. This is a great opportunity to train weaker classes that have great link/legion...
Beast Tamer can be pretty elusive because you can only make one whenever Nexon allows you to make one. Beast Tamer can be a little complicated since their skill build and system is very different...
In MapleStory you can purchase NX to buy cosmetic items to make your character look really cool and acquire the status of Hene Hoe. But, did you know that certain classes can share their Cash Shop...
MapleStory Link Skills Guide – Best in Slot for Bossing and Training
When it comes to MapleStory you’ll figure out that having a lot of different characters is better than just maxing out one character. The reason is, the benefit of link skills and stats. Links...
Hoyoung is one of the most versatile classes in the game. It has great mobility and so much utility in its kit. It's a great bosser and mobber with the only downside being that it takes a little bit...