Bowmaster is a subclass of Explorer Archers. If you like the aesthetic of the bow and arrow this is a great class to choose. Since Critical Rate is very important in MapleStory the link skill of the archer explorers are pretty good.
Bowmaster is great at mobbing and bossing due to Arrow Blaster and Hurricane. A great class to main if you like a classic archer.
Bowmaster 1st Job Skill Build
Before you can become a Bowmaster you’ll have to go through the basic bowman 1st job. Use Arrow Blow and Double Jump and this will be quick.
Bowmaster 1st job skill build,
- Arrow Blow (+1), Double Jump (+1), Archery Mastery (+1)
- Double Jump (MAX)
- Critical Shot (MAX)
- Archery Mastery (MAX)
- Arrow Blow (MAX)
Bowmaster 1st Job Skill Explanation
Skill Name | Max Lvl Description | Purpose |
Arrow Blow | MP Cost: 11, Damage: 295%, Max Enemies Hit: 4 | 1st Job Mobbing Skill |
Double Jump | MP Cost: 10, jumps further Double-tap the Up key to jump once in midair Double-tap Down arrow key to descend quickly | Flash Jump Skill |
Critical Shot | Critical Rate: +40% | Passive Buff to Critical Rate |
Archery Mastery | Range +120, Movement Speed +30, Max Movement Speed Increased to 160 | Passive Buff |
Bowmaster 2nd Job Skill Build
Bowmaster’s 2nd job is called Hunter. At this job you’ll get the skill Quiver Cartridge which helps you change between arrows. At first it will rotate on its own but at 4th job you’ll get a skill that lets you stay on one for a duration.
Bowmaster 2nd job skill build,
- Arrow Bomb (+1), Covering Fire (+1), Soul Arrow: Bow (+1)
- Bow Mastery (+5)
- Bow Acceleration (MAX)
- Arrow Bomb (MAX)
- Soul Arrow: Bow (MAX)
- Final Attack: Bow (MAX)
- Bow Mastery (MAX)
- Physical Training (MAX)
- Covering Fire (MAX)
Bowmaster 2nd Job Skill Explanation
Skill Name | Max Lvl Description | Purpose |
Arrow Bomb | MP Cost: 15, Damage: 525%, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Stun Duration: 4 sec, Stun Chance: 60% | 2nd Job Mobbing Skill |
Covering Fire | MP Cost: 5, if you press and hold the skill key after jumping a certain distance backward, you will attack enemies at up to 105% of damage for 2 sec while in mid-air | Secondary Mobbing Skill (keeps you in the air for 2 seconds) |
Bow Acceleration | Attack Speed: +2, DEX: +20 | Passive Buff for Attack Speed |
Soul Arrow: Bow | MP Cost: 22, Attack Power: +30, Duration: 300 sec, able to attack without using arrows | Active Effect for unlimited Arrows for a duration |
Quiver Cartridge | Able to use 3 Special Arrowheads. Automatically recharges Blood Arrow: At 50% chance, recover 3% of Max HP Poison Arrow: At 150% damage, deals damage-over-time for 8 sec. Stackable up to 3 times Magic Arrow: Has a 30% chance to shoot a magic arrow of that does 220% damage | Active Effect to switch between different arrow effects |
Bow Mastery | Bow Mastery: +50% | Passive Buff |
Final Attack : Bow | [Final Attack Skills] Has a 40% chance to deal 150% Final Attack damage | Passive Buff for extra damage |
Physical Training | Permanently increase STR by 30 and DEX by 30 | Passive Buff for Stat |
Bowmaster 3rd Job Skill Build
3rd job for Bowmaster is called a Ranger. This is where you’ll get more passives and Arrow Blaster. Arrow Blaster is something you can set down and mob for you.
Bowmaster 3rd job skill build,
- Flame Surge (+1), Hookshot (+1), Arrow Blaster (+1)
- Flame Surge (MAX)
- Reckless Hunt: Bow (MAX)
- Arrow Blaster (MAX)
- Phoenix (MAX)
- Marksmanship (MAX)
- Evasion Boost (MAX)
- Mortal Blow (MAX)
- Hookshot (MAX)
- Focused Fury (MAX)
Bowmaster 3rd Job Skill Build Explanation
Skill Name | Max Lvl Description | Purpose |
Flame Surge | MP Cost: 30, Damage: 360%, Number of Attacks: 3, Damage Over Time: 100% damage every 1 sec for 6 sec | 3rd Job Mobbing Skill |
Phoenix | MP Cost: 70, summon Phoenix for 220 sec Attack up to 4 enemies at once with 390% damage. 95% chance to Stun [Passive Effects: Increase Defense by 30%] | Active Summon |
Hookshot | MP Cost: 21, after attacking with 170% damage, moves by passing through enemies [Passive Effects: Max HP increases by 40%] | Active Skill that can pull you towards enemy (can use in the air as long as it hits a mob to go towards them) |
Reckless Hunt: Bow | DEF: -25%, Attack Power: +40, Final Damage: +30% | Toggle On for Attack and Damage |
Mortal Blow | If the direct skill attacks hit 30 times, damage increases by 35% for 5 sec | Passive Buff for damage |
Focused Fury | While attacking Abnormal Status Resistance will increase by 5 for 90 sec regularly Resets when an Abnormal Status is received [Passive Effects: Increases Abnormal Status Resistance by 20 and Elemental Resistance by 20%] | Passive Buff for Status Resistance |
Evasion Boost | Dodge Chance: 30%, all attacks following a successful dodge for 1 sec will be criticals | Passive Buff for Dodge |
Marksmanship | When attacking, it ignores 25% of the monster’s Weapon DEF. Attack Power: +25% | Passive Buff for IED and Attack |
Arrow Blaster | MP Cost: 7, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Damage: 181% While casting, use the Interact/Harvest key to set up Arrow Blaster, firing arrows that deal 85% damage for 30 sec Cooldown for installed Arrow Blaster: 5 sec | Secondary Mobbing Skill (use the interact/harvest key with the skill to set one down) |
Bowmaster 4th Job Skill Build
4th job for Bowmaster is where you’ll get your main mobbing and bossing skills. Hurricane is only good for bossing and for mobbing you’ll be using Arrow Stream and Arrow Blaster.
Bowmaster 4th job skill build,
- Arrow Stream (+1), Hurricane (+1), Sharp Eyes (+1)
- Sharp Eyes (MAX)
- Arrow Stream (MAX)
- Bow Expert (MAX)
- Advanced Final Attack (MAX)
- Maple Warrior (MAX)
- Armor Break (MAX)
- Enchanted Quiver (MAX)
- Illusion Step (MAX)
- Hurricane (MAX)
- Binding Shot (MAX)
- Hero’s Will (MAX)
Bowmaster 4th Job Skill Explanation
Skill Name | Max Lvl Description | Purpose |
Hurricane | MP Cost: 9, 330% damage per arrow. While casting, move at 100% speed | Main Bossing Skill |
Binding Shot | MP Cost: 26, Damage: 530%, Number of Attacks: 6, Duration: 20 sec, HP Recovery effect: -60%, Speed: -30% Cooldown: 10 sec [Passive Effects: Increases damage for Arrow Blaster and installed Arrow Blaster by 90% points] | Debuff Skill (reduces speed and HP recovery) |
Arrow Stream | MP Cost: 32, attack up to 8 enemies with 350% damage 5 times | Main Mobbing Skill (use this alongside Arrow Blaster) |
Sharp Eyes | MP Cost: 45, Critical Rate: +20%, Critical Damage: +15%, Duration: 300 sec | Active Buff for Critical Rate and Critical Damage |
Illusion Step | Dexterity: +80, Avoidability: +30% chance, Damage taken reduced by 20% | Active Buff for DEX and Avoidability |
Enchanted Quiver | MP Cost: 20, Current arrow will not be consumed for 30 sec Cooldown: 30 sec [Passive Effects] Blood Arrow – Recovery Chance: 70%, Max HP Recovery Ratio: +5% Poison Arrow – Damage Over Time: 220%. Critical Damage Increase Rate: +8% Magic Arrow – Activation Chance: 60%. Damage increases to 260% Poison Arrow and Blood Arrow count increased to 20 arrows Magic Arrow increased to 40 arrows | Active Effect (makes it so that you have unlimited enchanted arrows for a duration) (Poison Arrow is good for bossing, Magic Arrow is good for mobbing) |
Bow Expert | Bow Mastery: +70%. Attack Power: +60, Critical Damage: +8% | Passive Buff for Attack and Critical Damage |
Advanced Final Attack | Attack Power: +20 permanently Final Attack Chance: 70%, Damage: 210% | Passive Buff to Final Attack |
Armor Break | Final damage increases as much as 100% of enemy DEF rate while attacking, also ignores 50% of enemy DEF Cooldown: 1 sec | Passive Buff for IED and Final Damage increase |
Maple Warrior | MP Cost: 70, Increases all stats assigned APs by 15% for 900 sec | Active Buff for Stat |
Hero’s Will | Clear Status Effects Cooldown: 180 sec | Active Skill for clearing Status |
Bowmaster Hyper Skill Build
Bowmaster is pretty straightforward, you boost your main mobbing and bossing skills. Concentration is important because it gives you Knockback Resistance which is great for archers.
Bowmaster hyper skill build,
Arrow Stream – Reinforce
Arrow Stream – Spread
Arrow Stream – Extra Strike
Hurricane – Reinforce
Hurricane – Boss Rush
Gritty Gust
Epic Adventure
Bowmaster 5th Job Skill Build
When you reach level 200 and get access to your V Matrix and new 5th job skills. The best way to level them up is through Nodestones and Experience nodes. Bowmaster V Skills are,
Storm of Arrows
Inhuman Speed
Quiver Barrage
Silhouette Mirage
Bowmaster Perfect Trio Nodes
Bowmaster has two sets of perfect boost nodes. They are Hurricane, Final Attack, Arrow Blaster, and Quiver Cartridge, Arrow Stream, Phoenix.
Hurricane Boost
Final Attack Boost
Arrow Blaster Boost
Quiver Cartridge Boost
Arrow Stream Boost
Phoenix Boost
The other important nodes are Guided Arrow, Vicious Shot, Fury of the Wild, Rope Lift, Maple World Goddess’s Blessing and of course Decent Holy Symbol.
Bowmaster 5th Job Skill Explanation
Skill Name | Max Lvl Description | Purpose |
Storm of Arrows | MP Cost: 1000, Damage: +30%, Duration: 70 sec Arrows rain down on a zone every 5 sec for 2.5 sec when you attack with your own skills Up to 6 of these zones can be created, but they cannot overlap The falling arrows deal 1540% damage to up to 10 enemies, 7 times If currently attacking more than one enemy, the number of attacks increases by 2 for each additional enemy, for up to 8 additional attacks Has 2x more of a chance than Quiver Cartridge does to activate Magic Arrow on attacks in this area Cooldown: 120 sec | Mobbing and Bossing Skill which makes arrows rain from the sky dealing damage |
Inhuman Speed | MP Cost: 800, Duration: 3 sec Fires arrows at set intervals dealing 1320% 3 times to enemies within range of your afterimages Cooldown: 60 sec Passive Effect: Every 10 attacks performed while this skill is on cooldown, an afterimage is created that lasts 1 sec and periodically attacks enemies within its range for 880% damage 3 times Active and Passive Effects cannot trigger simultaneously | Mobbing and Bossing Skill (almost like shadow partner except its at set intervals and attacks) |
Quiver Barrage | MP Cost: 1000. Duration: 30 sec Attack Power: + 20%. Fire every type of arrowhead at once, including a flaming arrowhead Flaming Arrow: Launches 6 flaming arrows consecutively Max Enemies Hit: 6, Damage: 550%, Number of Attacks: 9, Cooldown: 2 sec Cooldown: 120 sec | Bossing and Mobbing Skill (Fires every type of arrow with its effects and all) |
Silhouette Mirage | Creates up to 2 illusory doubles every 50 sec When you either receive damage that is at least 50% of your Max HP or you receive damage that leads to death, 1 illusory double disappears, reducing that damage by 90% If you have even 1 illusory double, and there is an enemy to attack nearby, when using an attack skill, 5 illusory bullets will deal 880% damage 3 times MP Cost: 80, Cooldown: 7.5 sec Cooldown: 1.5 sec | Toggle On Skill for Mobbing and Bossing (creates two doubles next to you that can take one shots for you and deal damage) (1 illusion disappears when you take a hit of 50% or more but reduces the damage by 90%) |