The new banner that is out is featuring Eyjafjalla, Ifrit, Silence, Lappland, and Mayer. This banner is all about the AoE Casters and the question is, should you pull? The answer is, YES! This...
Posts by James Chow
Kick-Flight is a brand new game out that I think is quite fun. The game is a 4v4 3-minute match where you use skills and abilities to collect gems and best the enemy team. Kickers are the avatars...
GT-HX-3 is the last of the stages and honestly, a fun one. This one is fun because of the use of road blocking. There are some requirements to meet so you don’t get one-shotted but remember you...
After you’ve completed GT-HX-1 you might be thinking they are all easy. Well GT-HX-2 provides a bit more of a challenge and here’s a full guide on how to clear it. Big Adam is a problem but...
A new section in the “Grani and the Knights’ Treasure” event has come out and they can be quite challenging. Step by step guide below! The operator classes you’ll need are 2 Snipers, 2...
The current event “Grani and the Knights’ Treasure” has made it easier to farm materials such as Loxic Kohl and Grindstone. But who needs these materials? Nobody wants to mindlessly...