All Status Effects In Pokemon TCG Pocket and Cures

When it comes to battling in Pokemon TCG Pocket the more information you know the better odds you have of winning your battles. Status effects can drastically change how a match goes so it is very important to know what each one does and how to cure it. 

The main 3 methods of curing status are Retreating, Evolving, or using Lum Berry.

Status Effects and Cures

Status EffectsEffectHow To Cure

Your Pokemon cannot attack or retreat

(Sleep does not stack with other status effects)
Every turn you must flip a coin. If it lands on heads, the Pokemon wakes up and is cured. If tails it will stay asleep.

Retreat or Evolve or Lum Berry

Your Pokemon cannot attack or retreat

(Paralysis does not stack with other status effects)
Paralysis is cured after 1 turn

Retreat or Evolve or Lum Berry

Your poisoned Pokemon take 10 damage every turn

(Poison can be stacked with other status effects)
Retreat or Evolve or Lum Berry

Your burned Pokemon takes 20 damage every turn 

(Burn can be stacked with other status effects)
Every turn you must flip a coin. If it lands on heads, the Pokémon’s burn is cured

Retreat or Evolve or Lum Berry

You must flip a coin before you attack, if heads you attack normally if tails nothing happens and your turn ends

(Confusion does not stack with other status effects)
Even if you flip heads you’re not cured from confusion, you are just
able to attack

Retreat or Evolve or Lum Berry

Retreating or evolving can cure any status effect. But if your Pokemon is Sleeping or Paralyzed, they will be unable to retreat on their own. Cards like Koga or Budding Expeditioner will let you bring that specific active Pokemon back into your hand as another way to retreat.  

Will keep this article updated with every new release!

In case you didn’t know, you can still use your Pokemon’s Ability even if they are affected by a Status like Sleep or Paralysis. 

Stacking Status Effects and Lum Berry

The 2 status effects that can stack with each other are Burn and Poison. This means that you can apply both status effects on 1 pokemon and both the effects will trigger. This situation is very rare since only certain cards can apply those status effects, but could be very powerful if done right. 

The other status effects do not stack which means only 1 of them can be applied at a time. There is an order to which status effects take action and it is Poison then Burn then Sleep then Paralysis.

Lum Berry is a Pokemon Tool card that can help you recover from status effects. Works much better in tournament settings where you know what kind of cards your opponent has. Has less value in regular PVP just because your opponent might not have any status effects and you wasted a card in your deck. 

Lum Berry is obtained in the Space-Time Smackdown Palkia pack. 

Every Pokemon that can use Paralysis

  • Articuno
  • Eelektross
  • Pincurchin
  • Dedenne
  • Glaceon

Every Pokemon that can use Poison

  • Venomoth
  • Tentacruel
  • Nidoking
  • Grimer
  • Weezing (Ability)
  • Salazzle
  • Whirlipede
  • Roserade
  • Skuntank
  • Drapion

Every Pokemon that can use Sleep

  • Vileplume
  • Frosmoth
  • Hypno (Ability)
  • Wigglytuff ex
  • Shiinotic
  • Flabebe
  • Jigglypuff (Promo Version)
  • Darkrai

Every Pokemon that can use Burn

  • Magmortar
  • Magcargo

Every Pokemon that can use Confusion

  • Kricketune
  • Mismagius ex

James Chow

My goal is to tell you everything you need to know about the topic at hand. Hope that the guides/information help! Feel free to msg me any questions or thoughts.

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