Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross – How to Defeat Demon Hendrickson

Chapter 6 in 7DS:GC is out, and some players are having trouble with defeating the final boss, Demon Hendrickson. You’ll have to fight him a few times, and each time he becomes progressively stronger. How do you defeat such a difficult boss?

To defeat Demon Hendrickson, use Green Meliodas, Blue Skinny King, and Red Prisoner Ban. Ensure that you use skills properly.

Team Composition

First things first, make sure your team has enough CC (Combat Class). It’s possible to get away with having lower, but you’re giving up the first turn advantage. You want to be able to set up before Demon Hendrickson starts unleashing attack upon attack.

Green Meliodas

If you don’t have Green Meliodas on your team, it’s likely that you can pick him up as a mercenary (supporter) to use. There are many people that rerolled for him, but if you don’t see him in the list of supporters you may first need to refresh the list by completing another mission.

Green Meliodas is the MVP of this boss encounter. His counter skill is invaluable and will lead you to victory. Being an HP hero he also has type advantage.

Blue Skinny King

King won’t be used for petrification but for cleansing and healing. Chances are you’ve gotten Blue Skinny King up to a decent CC so he’s a good choice. His heal will come in handy because it will remove the Infect debuff that the boss gives your party.

Red Prisoner Ban

Ban acts as a support/tank here, however, don’t expect him to be able to tank much especially because of the type disadvantage. He’s here mostly for his ability to remove Ultimate Move Gauge orbs.

Other Considerations

Red Arthur – is good here because of his ability to buff. His type disadvantage is made up for the fact that he can buff defense as well as offense.

Blue Slader – has high damage output and is a bruiser-type so will be able to take some hits.


Demon Hendrickson has two attacks and an ultimate move. One attack is an AoE (Area of Effect) skill that doesn’t deal too much damage, but at 2★ will inflict Infect, which stops healing. His second attack is a devastating single-target attack. His ultimate move is another powerful single-target attack, which Infects. He can attack three times in one turn thanks to his passive.

As I mentioned before, you won’t be needing King for petrification and the reason is that Demon Hendrickson is immune to CC (Crowd Control). This makes the fight just that bit harder.

Meliodas, King, and Ban

Demon Hendrickson will begin the fight with three attack moves right off the bat. He’ll likely get an Ultimate Move off after one more turn. If you went first, use this time to deal damage with Meliodas and prepare a 2★ heal from King.

Then, prepare for a ton of damage.

Follow this priority list for choosing your cards:

  1. Use Ban to remove Ultimate Move Gauge orb if boss’ Ultimate Move is ready.
  2. Heal if Meliodas is too low to counter.
  3. Use Meliodas’ counter skill if he has around 50% HP.
  4. Prepare 2 or 3★ Meliodas counter.

Only use Ban’s attack skill when you see that Demon Hendrickson has his Ultimate Move ready. Try not to combine this skill because you may be unlucky and not receive another one. The reason we do this is because once you remove his Ultimate Move, Demon Hendrickson will only attack twice. This is really important for keeping your heroes alive.

Honestly, you’ll be mostly relying on Meliodas to get big damage here. The hardest part is making sure your team has enough CC to go first, and can tank the hits.

Solo Meliodas

One strategy that’s been circling around is one with Green Meliodas by himself. You’ll be able to combine a 3★ counter easily. All you have to do is wait for a big hit. With this strategy you’ll need to make sure Meliodas has a good amount of HP, for extra counter damage.

Playing On PC

When it comes to playing Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross on the PC, check out BlueStacks. This is what we use to play all of our mobile games on a 60 fps no lag setup. BlueStacks lets you play multiple games at once with its ability to run multiple instances. 

Pro tip, use this when rerolling so that you can reroll a bunch of times at once instead of one at a time. 
Click on this link to check it out and support us in the process!

Deric Kwok

Games are a longtime passion of mine starting from childhood when my mother bought me my very own Gameboy Color. I’ve been gaming ever since. I’m a self-proclaimed jack of all trades, with what I consider a wide skill set ranging from programming to photography. As the saying goes, a master of none is oftentimes better than a master of one.

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